This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 4181

You can call me TC

smiley - book

~drool~ thread

Post 4182

Sho - employed again!

oh, cool new smileys!

So, anyone smiley - drool at all, or are we all otherwise engaged?

~drool~ thread

Post 4183


Just back from a week's hols, but No1 son recorded Stargate and I've been enjoying a major smiley - drool over RDA and Christopher Judge.

smiley - sorry but Michael Shanks doesn't quite do it for me. However next week's episode may change that smiley - winkeye

~drool~ thread

Post 4184

Sho - employed again!

do you mean The Lowdown (behind the scenes thing)?

I think, now I've seen it twice, that he was going for humour and failed miserably.

Pretty, but suffering from foot in mouth... oh, wait! we have a smiley for that, don't we... smiley - footinmouth

heh heh heh

today there is Stargate on Channel 4, one of my favourites from the 6th Season, featuring Incredible Underwater Swimming Jonas, and Insufferably Smug But I Felt Bad For Him This Time Jacob

And my proof, as if proof were needed, that Sam and Major Cutie-Pie-Davis belong together.

smiley - biggrin
smiley - dontpanic <--- love that one!

~drool~ thread

Post 4185


I hadn't seen that episode, after which Jonas is moving up the list. But he is still behind Major Delicious Davis and I agree, he is just right for Sam. Same rank too.

My Mum out-ranked my Dad when they met smiley - winkeye

A glass or two of smiley - redwine whilst watching The Lowdown cetainly helped and I now keep seeing Christopher Judge as madcap harum scarum smiley - winkeye

~drool~ thread

Post 4186


And don't forget, Monarch of the Glen returns (8 pm BST BBC1) with Duncan's swirling kilt and manly calves!

~drool~ thread

Post 4187

Sho - employed again!

I'll give MotG a go, but it went off, IMO, towards the end of the last series.

I can't believe I will miss Stargate tomorrow, because of #1 Gruesome's first Parents' Evening.


~drool~ thread

Post 4188

Sho - employed again!

ok, Monarch of the Glen was fine up until the silly bomb stuff. And now I'm all sad because Mr.Toad (aka Kilwilly) is going.

smiley - sadface

I'll give it another go next week, but I'm not sure I like it anymore. But... Golly's voice... phwoar! He gives Sean Bean a run for his money in the Knicker-melting-voice stakes. smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 4189


It is sheer fantasy stuff, but watching Duncan running around and throwing his all into comedy acting with that wonderful scenery makes it for me. Anything that contains stuff being blown up is the icing on the smiley - cake!

Not been watching Waking the Dead? Cos Spence is rather cute smiley - winkeye

~drool~ thread

Post 4190

Sho - employed again!

I kept missing Waking the Dead, and it's a little late for me - now I'm old I can't stay up as late as I used to.

So now I've finally watched all of Blow - smiley - drool Johnny Depp is... oh, indescribably lovely.

This evening I'm going to watch Gilbert Grape - smiley - drool oh look, Johnny Depp again...

I caught some Andromeda the other day, oh my - Tyr growled (I think it was a video, I can't be sure though, I was too busy swooning)

OK, off to enjoy my holiday today - got to love the Germans giving us a day off to celebrate the day the Wall came down.

~drool~ thread

Post 4191

Sho - employed again!

sort of talking to myself here...

sho1: do you know what the film is on Sky tonight?

sho2: yah, it's that Black Hawk Down thing. Let's watch the History channel instead.

sho1: *scratching head* Black Hawk Down? That rings a bell. Wait, I'm not comitting to the History channel until... wait. *checks imdb*

Sho2: hurry up, I want to plan my evening, ironing and watching the History channel, or making popcorn, getting a beer and watching a "military cock it up big-time" film.

Sho1: *squeals* oh, it's the film for us, Sho-the-champion-smiley - drool-lady! smiley - elfboy is in it.

Sho2: smiley - elfboy? *faints*

Sho1: *slaps Sho2 about the face* Get a grip woman, at the time he made this he was young enough to be your... *muffled yelp*

Sho2: yes, young enough to be my younger brother. So what. Get the popcorn!

~drool~ thread

Post 4192


smiley - rofl

~drool~ thread

Post 4193

Sho - employed again!

smiley - biggrin

smiley - elfboy with a mowhawk and an American accent no less.

I heard that Ewan McGregor really was awful in this... which is the main reason I'm watching.

Ok, ok, I admit it. The ONLY reason I'm watching is to letch smiley - elfboy, but in my defence I love to watch this military stuff - it reminds me why I'm so glad I got out when I did.

And I'll be writing a new fic at the same time, which is always fun.

smiley - grovel the God of Notebook PCs

~drool~ thread

Post 4194

You can call me TC

Yes well, I plan to go to see the Bruce Willis with hubby tomorrow possibly (anyone seen it - Tears of the Sun?) and on Monday I will be seeing Phone Booth with a friend because they're showing it in the original English. Tell me who to watch out for!

~drool~ thread

Post 4195


But Alistair Mackenzie's leaving MotG. smiley - wah

Oh well, just have to make do with Gollysmiley - drool and smiley - drool Duncan.
Not to mention Andrew smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 4196


TC, Colin Farrell has hetero-males doubting their orientation! To think he was that sweet teenager in Ballykissangel. Phone Booth is excellent.

smiley - elf boy seems to be in just about everything at the mo, not long now till LOTR ROTK is on release.

~drool~ thread

Post 4197

You can call me TC

The only thing I've consciously seen Colin Farrell in is "Dare Devil". He was certainly impressive there.

~drool~ thread

Post 4198

Sho - employed again!

I don't remember Colin Farell in Ballykissangel. When is it on UKGold?

smiley - elfboy was cute, but OMG! I wish someone had warned me about Black Hawk Down. Apart from the usual "Sho watching a military film and screaming at the screen about their radio procedure etc etc" stuff, It was very very graphic with the "bits of body hanging off" stuff. I think it should have had a wayyy more than 15 rating.

Did I mention how cute smiley - elfboy was? smiley - drool he was convincing as an 18 year old, which makes it pretty icky thinking about him in that way, given my advanced years!

And yes, he's in everything. I believe it's a new Hollywood law (replacing the old one where the guy who played Dr. Morgenstern in ER had to be in everything) that Orlando Bloom must be in every film. Just had smiley - pirateotC, then Ned Kelly is now out, The Calcium Kid is out soon I think (eek, Billie Piper gets to snog him) then ROTK (can we have a smiley for that?) then Troy will be out soonish.

It's enough to test the smiley - drool ability of an old letcher like me!

~drool~ thread

Post 4199


Colin Farell was also in Minority Report. SPOILER: You think he's the bad guy, and then he gets shot! He's a good actor, I like him. Nice eyes. Phone Booth was pretty good - Forest Whittaker was in it; he's a cool actor.

Hello to everyone, I haven't posted in a while.

smiley - towel JEllen

~drool~ thread

Post 4200

Sho - employed again!

Hey you smiley - hug nice to see you again!

(off to post in your journal)

Isn't Colin Farrell the latest Hollywood-wild-guy? They keep talking about him like that on German radio. Is there a webbie (apart from imdb) about him?

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