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Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1541

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - hug

I know.
Me too.

smiley - groan

Roll on January!smiley - magic

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1542

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Unfortunately, at the moment, January doesn't look much better than december.
I think I'm gonna have to get myself my own flat. I'm sick of sharing.

smiley - hug AGB.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1543

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

I know the feeling LIS. Here, I wrote this last year Im not sure whether it is useful or not

Oh the Christmas season is/has entered!
Nov 1, 2000

Actually I am annoyed with shops which are already promoting Christmas. For crying out loud when they started it was Mid-October, have they no shame? Do they think people are such forgetful morons they will forget another time when presents have to be brought and issued? Do they think that we are all sheep needing leading? Then why if the answer is no do they tell us this, they are already telling us what to buy and for whom. The spirit of the season seems long since dead to me. I already now commercialisation hammered the last nail into its coffin. If we do have to put up with this, then it seems time that someone reminded these stores (who boost up their prices months in advance before Christmas and other festivities) who pays for their meals. Wouldn't it be nice if a few Fat Cats fell from their Ivory Towers? As people reminded them. I am not saying don't buy presents, but wait a while for the things you want which are expensive, on Boxing Day you can find some really good bargins as they try to shift the excess stock. Well to all you stores I say Christmas Bah humbug!!

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1544

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

I seem to remember that argument last year as well.. smiley - smiley

Okay, I guess I can agree with the decorating to start now, as it's "just" over two weeks till X-mas. At least we're in the correct month. In Sweden, they had the general unveiling of the christmas decorations in the stores last weekend. Every year, all the shops in a community set a certain date, about three weeks before X-mas, to do their decorations. Usually, it's on a Sunday afternoon, and there's lots of other stuff going on as well. It's kind a mini-fair, with candy stalls and lottery stalls and stuff. Quite nice, actually.smiley - smiley
That's a tradition that I miss from Sweden.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1545

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

My local Tesco's started shifting stuff around to create a "seasonal" aisle after the school summer holidays.smiley - sadface
And those damned adverts on the tv are driving me nuts!
smiley - groan
"Baby wee-wee" with a penis!
Whatever next?
Action man with live ammo?
smiley - grr

And don't you just *hate* getting invites from people who are smug married/living together/ just so you don't have to be ~alone~?
I'd rather BE alone than spend it with a couple!

There's no decorations up in my house.
I've let my son decorate the smiley - xmastreebut that's it.
I've bought him a gameboy and given my older kids vouchers to get what they want.

I wish it would all GO AWAY!!!!

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1546

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor


Had a few visitors yesterday, all family, bringing Christmassmiley - gift

smiley - smiley

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1547

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

I know what you mean about the smug people inviting you for X-mas so that "you don't have to be alone". I actually kind of hope that I'll be working on X-mas Eve (cause there's always some phone lines to cover, you know) so I won't have to bother.
I guess I'll have to put up my smiley - xmastree sometime now. Good thing about it is that it's an inflatable tree with already painted on decorations, so I won't have to do any decorating of my own.smiley - smiley
I probably will find somewhere to put my Santa-candles, so that I can burn his head off this X-mas.smiley - smiley

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1548

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - laugh

An inflatable smiley - xmastree?

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

You sound about as enamoured with Christmas as I am, LiS smiley - smiley
smiley - hug

I had a pair of carol singers at my door last night!
smiley - yikes
And there was I, thinking my luck had changed....

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1549

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Carol singers? Already? Damn. Aren't they only supposed to be walking about freezing their butts off on Christmas Eve and stuff?

And yes, it is an inflatable smiley - xmastree. About 4 feet high. Really nice. When you're done with it, it never takes any extra space. You just crinkle it up and stowe it away for next year. Really good. smiley - smiley

And yes, I guess I'm about as thrilled with X-mas as I would be with a huge hole in the head, I guess. And to make things worse, I also have that other thing coming up next weeeknd, which I'm not really thrilled about either. *sigh*

Aw well.. I guess it's just life.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1550

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

If you had as many candles on yoursmiley - cakeas I do mine, you'd be less thrilled, I can assure you!

I'm trying to imagine an inflatable smiley - xmastree

smiley - weird

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1551

Zak T Duck

I wouldn't have much patience with an inflatable smiley - xmastree

It all stems back to when I had an inflatable chair a while back before I started at uni. I soon got bored with it once I realised that when I sat on it, it deflated quite quickly smiley - sadface

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1552

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Croz, I don't intend to sit on my smiley - xmastree. That would not make sense. Instead, I'll just find somewhere to put it, and then forget about it. As long as I inflate it and put it up soemwhere, I've done my bit for decorations for X-mas.

AGB, there is a possibility that you're right when it comes to the B-day thing, but then again, you do have your family around you. I have... Well... My flatmates.

Hmmm... I need something to cheer me up.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1553

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

My family, yes.
All of them are in *couples* would you believe.
So I get my nose rubbed in it ALL the time.
Oh, and how wonderful - another h2g2 couple getting married!smiley - bubbly
smiley - magic
smiley - biggrin
I've already shown my face and congratulated them.
Now I can go sulk.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1554

Ku'Reshtin (Bring the beat back!)

Who's getting married?? Where?

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1555

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1556

Zak T Duck

I'm so happy for them both.

smiley - cry

I always cry when there's going to be a wedding, it's a logistical nightmare

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1557

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I always smiley - cry because I feel sorry for me, as well as happy for them.

I remember being happily married.

I wish I still was.

smiley - sadface

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1558

Zak T Duck

smiley - cuddlesmiley - chocsmiley - cupcake

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1559

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Thanks Croz.
smiley - hug
Another namechange?
smiley - biggrin

I'll have a humbug smiley - bigeyes

The best thing about being single....your options are always open.
Roll on 6 weekssmiley - bubbly

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1560

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

Hi from NZ smiley - smiley

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