This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1101

Lost in Scotland

I can't say I planned on sending that twice back there, it's just that when I hit the send button, I got a really weird banner on my screen, and nothing else, so I thought it hadn't been sent.
Anyhow, I hope you'll have a great night out with your friend Chris from Scotland tomorrow. Strange coincidence since I could almost fit into that description, 'cept I'm not a she. We'll probably see you back here before we can learn how to say "Hi, how are you? Haven't I seen you somewhere before?" in Kantonese.

Well, I'm off to lunch now... Be back later.. Ciao.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1102

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Checking in, boy this thread is very quiet.
Maybe everyone in here has lost hope?
I hope not, I certainly haven't!
Look out Cleethorpes, I'm on my way!smiley - biggrin
{full report tomorrow}

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1103

Lost in Scotland

I agree, GB. This thread has gone very quite these last couple of days.
Maybe everyone else has found some pastures where the harvest of carnal pleasures are flooding. But if that is the case, I think they could at least have come in here and told us about it.

I hope you'll have a good time tonight. *thinks about calling his only other contact in Cleethorpes to warn the town of the oncoming GB party*

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1104

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh, yes?
And whom do you know in Cleethorpes?
Apart from me, that is!smiley - biggrin
Yes, I agree, they should come & tell us their "hits", it'll keep our hopes alive.smiley - winkeye

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1105

Lost in Scotland

Well, I met this part time police officer in a Lycos Chat room about a bunch of months ago. I haven't spoken to her for ages as the chat rom stopped working from work, and I don't have a computer at home, so I kinda lost touch. Her name's Jackie. KNow anyone by that name?

And yes, I think it's very not cool that they just abandon us in here. Maybe they started another thread and didn't tell us about it.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1106

The Duke of Dunstable

*Insinuating laughter from undetermined section of room*


Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1107

Lost in Scotland

*looks around* What was that!?! Who was that? Hello? Who's there??

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1108

The Duke of Dunstable

*Insinuating laughter from another undetermined section of room*

HeheheheeeeRRKAHARKLEBOAAAH! Ahem. Sorry.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1109

Lost in Scotland

*'Hystar' an undefined heavy, blunt object in the general direction of where the laughter came from. *
Take that!! -Boy band from the early 90's that had a couple of good hits.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1110

The Duke of Dunstable

"Hystar"!!!??? *Wipes tear from laughing out hard* Oh lord, that was fun. I think I shall start mixing English and Swedish ocksÄ.

*The above, of course, said from yet another undetermined section of the room, a section to which I had already moved when Lost threw that piece of what-not.*

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1111

Lost in Scotland

Hah!! DoD, I know it's you! You have that recognisable Swedish trace in your accent. What are you doing here. You're supposed to be married!

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1112

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Would you believe I ~know~ married people who are celibate!smiley - biggrin
Sorry, LiS, I don't know a part-time policewoman called Jackie. However if I bump into her tonight, I'll tell her you were asking after her...smiley - winkeye

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1113

Zak T Duck

I'm not having a good day. I've just realised I posted this thread as a link to the Scouts egroup as my peer review choice, so if it goes walkabout and ends up in an entry about Wicca, it's my fault and not magick as you might think.

I've informed the editors, but nowt will be done now until Monday.

I must pay more attention to what I'm doing
I must pay more attention to what I'm doing
I must pay more attention to what I'm doing
I must pay more attention to what I'm doing
I must pay more attention to what I'm doing
I must pay more attention to what I'm doing
I must pay more attention to what I'm doing
I must pay more attention to what I'm doing

I'm off to do exams now, will be back in a still-celibate state on January 18th.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1114

The Duke of Dunstable

"You're supposed to be married", that's what my wife always tells me... smiley - winkeye

No, it's not the Duke of what ever it was you said. I'm the spirit of Christmas. I'm here to make you remember all your past in order for you to know when the future is here.

Wait. That's not my job, is it?

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1115

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

No, there's asmiley - ghostaround somewhere for that!smiley - biggrin
Poor Croz,smiley - hug
I wonder what you were doing with my celibacy thread link?smiley - winkeye
Please don't be pessimistic, I'm not!
Although, if you don't expect anything nice to happen, you're not going to be disappointed are you?
I'm getting on well spring-cleaning my house, the builders have gone away again, after removing my garage roof!
Oh, and the weather forecast? Torrential rain on the waysmiley - biggrin{therapy smile} so ~now~ I have to go empty my garage!
*wonders where to put all my gardening equipment*
You may wonder, any scouts wandering through here by accidental-posting-of-the-wrong-link {hereby shortened to APOTWL}
~pauses tosmiley - hugCroz again~
WHAT this all has to do with celibacy...
Well, people who are celibate and have a normal/high sex drive, have to expel the energy somewhere...
With me, it's housework.
There you go.
To all my fellow-regulars of this column, yes I did have a good time out last night with my good friend Chris. She'd not been "on the town" in Cleethorpes since...smiley - ermwell, there were "mods and rockers"smiley - biggrinwe were in a pub on the seafront drinking house doubles {for the price of one} of vodka and lemonade, then went to a disco where *sigh* I was the oldest person there...smiley - blue and we danced till 2am. No, I didn't pull. Didn't even get chatted up! Boy, am I tired today! And my legs! ~groan~ When did I last dance that much? My daughter's wedding, 2 years ago...
I can tell you that I did bump into *someone I know* who is married, and they were out with their lover....
It's just ~not~ fair...

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1116

Zak T Duck

*Gives Galaxy a much needed smiley - hug in return*

I'm not really here, honest. I'm revising computer science smiley - winkeye

Well, it's computer related. I'm on one so that must count.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1117

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin
Thanks for that, Croz!
~checking in~

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1118

Zak T Duck

Oh no i've done it again! smiley - smiley

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1119

Demon Drawer

Returns. Not quite sure when I'll be lurking again. smiley - sadface


Post 1120

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

This post has been removed.

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