This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1081

Zak T Duck

*wonders why this forum is deserted, then stops*

What's on the agenda for new year? I plan to pickle my liver all day tomorrow at a friend's annual drunkathon hootenanny. in fact, I'm tempted to start in a few hours.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1082

Deano (Keeper of lemonade)

Same here but I'm not starting until about 10.30pm. Should be a bit of a giggle but Pete won't be there because he's working smiley - sadface. My chance will come soon enough though smiley - winkeye.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1083

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Pete?smiley - biggrin
Good luck, hon.smiley - ok
I'll be sitting in front of my telly, probably with a bottle of sparkling white wine & one glass...
That's the plan, anyway.
If I don't expect anything nice to happen, I can't be disappointed, can I?
All the best, every one of my good friends in here, may it not be too long before you're "out" of here...but I hope you'll still drop by & say hi to your old mate GBsmiley - flyhi

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1084

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Evening all. I've been keeping off the internet for a while in order to retain my sanity, but now I'm back... smiley - winkeye

Oxford rejected me, as you can see, but I SHALL GET MY REVENGE!!... smiley - devil

I intend to have a pleasant New Year's Eve, playing board games, not drinking, celebrating the real coming of the new millennium, and I also hope to leave the celibacy forum. For a while, anyway.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1085

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Awwww *hugs* Emily...
I know this sounds like an old cliche {it is one} but when one door closes, another watch out for door of opportunity, girl!smiley - biggrin
You have your whole life ahead of you...
I, too, will be toasting the dawn of the new Millenium, tomorrow it's going to be 01:01:01 what a great date! the first day of the rest of ~my~ life...and boy, are there going to be some changes in my life!

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1086

Zak T Duck

I'm going into the year with a positive attitude, diving in head first with a pint in my hand and my friends at my side.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1087

Deano (Keeper of lemonade)

Thank God for that!

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1088

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - bubbly
Happy New Year everybody...
Happy new century, millenium, the whole works!
woop woop woop!!!
~almost finished my Christmas wine~smiley - biggrinsmiley - drunk
Where's all the h2g2 parties?

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1089

Lost in Scotland

*steps in, looks around, steps out again to check that he's in the right forum, then steps in again and shakes his head in wonder of the emptiness of the place*

Hello? Anyone here?

*picks up a piece of paper and finds a pen. Starts scribbling*

"To all the people, that I hold dear,
I paid a visit, you were not here.
My mind was baffled, I could not see,
a single person, except for me.
So 'lone I wander away til when,
I decide to check back here again.

Peace. LiS.

Ps. even though I didn't check in all last week,
that does not mean that I got any. I was just to
bloody busy at work. smiley - sadface"

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1090

Zak T Duck

I'm here, but I should be moving back into my room at uni and revising

*Goes off to do that*

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1091

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Evening all. I'm lurking.

If only there were a smiley... ah well - I suppose this'll have to do... smiley - biggrin

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1092

Lost in Scotland

Croz, do you have the same hesitancy towards moving house as I do? Not so much the moving to another place itself but the actual carrying things about, and cleaning the old place and stuff? I was supposed to do that this past weekend, but I worked instead. Bad thing is that you never get away from it. You always have to do it in the end anyways. Which is not cool.

Today, I wouldn't mind going home, snuggle up to someone and just doze off for a while... UNfortunately, that will not be possible, as I can not get out of work, and I have no one to snuggle up to. smiley - cry

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1093

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

~snuggles up to LiS~
I've been here ~all~ the time, I never left.
Go, Emily.smiley - winkeye
Have you responded to the Secret Heavenly Business thread on your page, hon? As I need to write out a script long-hand for Sunday's ceremony. I can't look myself as the site is like treacle againsmiley - sadface

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1094

Lost in Scotland

Aaaahh.. A snuggle from the Galaxiest Babe on h2g2. I think I needed that. I was beginning to get a bit depressed there for a second.
Why did all the snow have to disappear? Dammit, I like snow. This was a nice little snow fall. Bring the snow back!

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1095

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - loveblush
Awwww what a sweet thing to say!!
That's worth another few hours snuggling under the duvet...
~snuggles up to LiS again~

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1096

Zak T Duck

I absolutely loathe moving, and I'd probably be right saying to an extent everyone else in the world does too. But unfortunately it needed to happen. You see I can't do work at home as there are far too many distractions there (namely my bed is too comfy, the TV is too large and mum's cooking is too nice). As a result, i'm too sleepy/goggle-eyed/full to concentrate on the books.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1097

Deano (Keeper of lemonade)

Stop making excuses and get on with it. What am I saying? I'm doing the same thing. Ha!

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1098

Lost in Scotland

I know what you mean, Croz. I was supposed to move the final things from my old flat to the new one yesterday, but it ended up with me going across the street to my friends and I got stuck in front of the TV instead. And when I finally got out of there, I couldn't be bothered to move anything. That could, of course, be because my flatmate isn't helping a great deal in the move either. He's moved his personal stuff, and then he doesn't really care about anything else, since it's me who's been here the longest and therefor has gathered the most useful stuff, like glasses, plates and mugs, and since they aren't his, he doesn't feel he needs to move it. smiley - grr

GB, you know I'd love to snuggle under the duvet with you all day, every day.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1099

Lost in Scotland

I know what you mean, Croz. I was supposed to move the final things from my old flat to the new one yesterday, but it ended up with me going across the street to my friends and I got stuck in front of the TV instead. And when I finally got out of there, I couldn't be bothered to move anything. That could, of course, be because my flatmate isn't helping a great deal in the move either. He's moved his personal stuff, and then he doesn't really care about anything else, since it's me who's been here the longest and therefor has gathered the most useful stuff, like glasses, plates and mugs, and since they aren't his, he doesn't feel he needs to move it. smiley - grr

GB, you know I'd love to snuggle under the duvet with you all day, every day.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1100

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

That was so nice, it was a pleasure reading it twice, LiS!smiley - biggrin
I don't know if you'll read this, it's my first attempt to post since yesterday, the site is FUBAR again...smiley - grr
Oh, well, at least I'm getting housework done, last night I got all my decorations down/tree put away, cards ready to be recycled...
Now I just have to clean up all the messsmiley - sadface
If the site keeps up like this, my house is going to be spring-cleaned ~before~ springsmiley - winkeye
Woo-hoo, just thought I'd tell you all I'M GOING OUT tomorrow night... my friend Chris is down from Scotland, visiting her mum, it's 2 years since we've seen each other and half a lifetime since we had a night out together...
I'm going to show her Cleethorpes night-life *ROFL*smiley - magic
See you all when the site gets back to normal spped...hmmmmmm that should be "speed" but my keyboard is so bad now, that if I post a typo then go back to correct it using my "Back Space" button, I lose my page as it jumps back to where I was before I clicked on "reply"; YES I know I need a new keyboard, but I went to Dixons & bought one & when I got it home, the port wouldn't fit my pc, even though I specifically asked for a round port...smiley - sadfacebut on appeal to the ACEs egroup, my dear friend vegimansmiley - smiley says he has a spare keyboard which he's going to mail me for the cost of postage, bless himsmiley - smiley
~just pray it fits my port~
LiS: I sure am enjoying this snuggle under the duvet...smiley - winkeye
Everyone else, I'm not even going to attempt to load my homepage again. If this posts, expect me back when the site is back to normal, as I haven't got much hair left to tear out!smiley - grr
I hope it'll be OK by Sunday as I have a Sainting ceremony to perform...smiley - winkeye
smiley - hugeverybody who manages to read this!smiley - biggrin

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