This is the Message Centre for Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1001

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"Back in again for another 12 days. Still it was really nice to be out for a day."smiley - cool

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1002

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'm still here....would you believe I turned down TWO offers last night???
I must be getting very picky in my dotage.
One was from my son's father, so no big deal.
The other was a total stranger, whom I thought I recognized...from many moons ago, and he was looking at me like he knew me too.
Anyway, I stayed with my friend and when she phoned her hubby on my mobile to come & pick us up ay 10.30, I didn't complain, even as I watched the stranger leave for a nightclub, I still didn't speak to him...
At least I know why I'm here now, in this thread.
I'm waiting for Mr.Right, not Mr. Right-now.
And content.smiley - biggrin
I *did* get my first Christmas snog though, and I intend getting a few more of those!
Going to collect my son from his respite carer now, but not before I go to the market & collect the mistletoe I've orderedsmiley - hollysmiley - kisseverybody!!!
*flies off to LiS's page to wish him Happy Birthday*smiley - angel

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1003

Zak T Duck

That's the attitude to have GB, great things always come to those that wait. And I'm not just talking about smiley - stout

For the first time in a long while I'm actually feeling good about being free and single. All the better for all those Christrmas and new year parties. smiley - devil

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1004

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

If only I had a babysitter for all those Christmas parties & New Year parties...oh well, online it'll have to be...smiley - biggrin
smiley - hollysmiley - kissCroz

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1005

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

Still celibate... but two of my four parents have vacated their house over Christmas, and so I hope to rectify the situation shortly... smiley - devil

Incidentally - the Lord of Fishnets got into Oxford University! smiley - smiley I still haven't heard though... smiley - sadface

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1006

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"Good luck Emily, and well done to the Lord of Fishnet's, from what my son's have told me, you dude's are about to have the opportunity to have the time of your lives, so go for it. Galaxy babe, aren't we getting sexercise and emotions getting a little confused here, or have I turned completely oriental in my outlook."smiley - rose

smiley - cool

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1007

Lost in Scotland

Good morning, folks, and welcome to the first week of the rest of my life. Or whatever.

Checking in after a very, very, very wet weekend. Many a bottles of vodka has been consumed this weekend. The hung overedness is still looming over my head like a big black cloud, and all I wish to do is go to sleep. Preferrably with someone next to me to cuddle with, but that's almost pushing it, isn't it?
Oh well, just thought I'd get in here and tell you folks that I'm still here.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1008

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I'll snuggle down with you for that cuddle, LiS.
~snuggles under the covers with LiS~smiley - biggrin
Happy Belated, though I did visit your pagesmiley - smiley
Sultandude, I don't regret Friday night at all, I had a good time, with great company.
I think I finally grew up...
I'm not content to be celibate, but that's preferable to being under the same roof with the wrong person...
If you are talking sex with strangers, I'd rather stay healthy!
Emily, I still have my fingers crossed, please let us know as soon as you know!
Andsmiley - bubblycongratulations to Jim, I'm pleased & proud that he's been accepted!
On a very serious note, I got an unidentified email this morning from Spain, with an attachment which was 29K!
It was signed "Rosario" with a return email address of "[email protected]"
Now, as I don't know a soul in Spain, I deleted this, rather than let curiosity get the better of me and end up getting my hard drive wiped...
I hope you would all do the same, if you get such an email in your intray {especially if I am on your address list}!!
*hugs my special friends*

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1009

Lost in Scotland

GB, I would be delighted to snuggle up to you under the covers for a cuddle.smiley - smiley
I thank you kindly for your b-day wishes, although I personally don't think it's such a big deal.
As a little funny trivia, I was born in the year of the rabbit, so what am I doing in here anyways?smiley - smiley

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1010

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

My son had a baby rabbit, for a couple of years, I never did get it a companion, that poor thing died a virgin. Still, what you've never had, you never miss, I guess!
Anyone fancy reading some Guide Entries at Peer Review?
I read a great one yesterday on Rollercoasters and I am still ploughing through "meanings of the word WELL"smiley - biggrin

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1011

Lost in Scotland

You are right, but I do miss it. Sometimes more than other times, but it's pretty much always there.
Anyways, I think "meanings of the word WELL" looked mighty interesting. I'll go have a look at it.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1012

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

Still here, but with the prospect of diving out of this forum in the not-too-distant future. hehehe Someone who REALLY perks me up has been sniffing around again smiley - smiley

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1013

Zak T Duck

Hmm, I must do some PR reading. My picks for the month are due the day after Boxing Day smiley - sadface

I'm not working then, so I'll do them this week.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1014

Demon Drawer

I suppose I should wander back here for the next 9 days. Even thou it has only been 11 hours since the last time.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1015

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

you lucky woman! {Magnolia}
The only thing sniffing round here is scavengerssmiley - steam

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1016

Magnolia Thunderpussy, Geisha of the Web

hehehe we'll see what happens smiley - smiley But I TOLD you, you ought to do the Sparkmatch thingy. You never know what might come of it...

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1017

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh, I did do that!
I'm the Angel from Hell!
And my closest local match is in Sheffield smiley - sadface

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1018

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh, I did do that!
I'm the Angel from Hell!
And my closest local match is in Sheffield smiley - sadface


Post 1019

Lost in Scotland

This post has been removed.

Celibacy - Forum #2

Post 1020

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Yes, it was the Spark...
And h2g2 was no fun this morning, there's gremlins afoot...smiley - monster
I got dumped into alabaster and called an "Unknown Hitchhiker"smiley - cry
Seems to be OK now, though, now, where was I up to with my Christmas kisses?smiley - biggrin

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