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Lydia Koidula

Post 141

Ivan the Terribly Average

I did some w*rk today. Goodness, how boring it was. Unfortunately there will be more of it tomorrow.

Lydia Koidula

Post 142


Luckily I have some w*rk for today. smiley - silly That's the twisted mind of a freelancer.

Lydia Koidula

Post 143

Ivan the Terribly Average

Ah yes, that is a different approach to w*rk. Maybe I'll try that, one day. Or maybe not. Who knows what the future holds? smiley - zen

Lydia Koidula

Post 144


As about the closest future - tomorrow is Tartaronne's b-day. smiley - whistle

Lydia Koidula

Post 145

Ivan the Terribly Average

Thanks for telling me. smiley - biggrin I'll have to organise a late birthday cake or something...

Lydia Koidula

Post 146


smiley - biggrin Good idea. smiley - ok

Lydia Koidula

Post 147

Ivan the Terribly Average

Maybe some nice wine... Does Tartaronne drink wine? I have no idea.

Lydia Koidula

Post 148


She sure does... And I think she likes smiley - choc, too.

Lydia Koidula

Post 149

Ivan the Terribly Average

Good. I should be able to find something suitable. smiley - cool

There's only a week until I'm in Melbourne. There's so much I still have to organise. smiley - headhurts

Lydia Koidula

Post 150


smiley - biggrin What can I say... smiley - envy

Lydia Koidula

Post 151

Ivan the Terribly Average

And that's how I feel about all the chances people in Europe have to meet each other. It makes me realise just how isolated we are here...

Lydia Koidula

Post 152


Don't look at me. smiley - laugh I live in a very remote corner myself.

Lydia Koidula

Post 153

Ivan the Terribly Average

True, but at least you're handily positioned for people who are on their way to St Petersburg, and Helsinki and, um... Oh, I don't know. Minsk. (Not that anyone in their right mind would want to go to Minsk.)

Lydia Koidula

Post 154


Of course. Will you hop by on your way to Minsk? smiley - biggrin

Lydia Koidula

Post 155

Ivan the Terribly Average

Of course I'll drop in, just as soon as I have a reason to go to Minsk. smiley - biggrin Or maybe sooner than that. Maybe within the next 10 years...

Lydia Koidula

Post 156


I had a guest from Australia this summer, so in theory it's possible. smiley - laugh

Lydia Koidula

Post 157

Ivan the Terribly Average

Yes, all it takes is time and money, both at once.

Lydia Koidula

Post 158


That's what I've heard. So far I only have time.

Lydia Koidula

Post 159

Ivan the Terribly Average

I could afford about seven days, if I had the money - but that's a terribly short time to travel such a distance. Not that it matters as there's no money. smiley - yawn

Lydia Koidula

Post 160


Life is hard but unfair. smiley - zen

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