This is the Message Centre for Hati

Lydia Koidula

Post 201

Ivan the Terribly Average

I think my main problem is that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. smiley - silly

Lydia Koidula

Post 202


Welcome to my world. I'm going to be 42 soon but I still don't know.

Lydia Koidula

Post 203

Ivan the Terribly Average

I'll be 39 next month. This does make me feel quite old in some ways - but it makes Mum feel worse. smiley - evilgrin

Dad never knew what he wanted to be either, but then, he never really grew up.

Lydia Koidula

Post 204


My mother is /was smiley - nurse. Did her papers right after gymnasium (I think it was 3 years med-school) and then w*rked more or less in the same hospital for 40+ years. Retired this year. smiley - laugh So she must have known. My father didn't know either. Neither did my brother. Usually they say it's quite common for men but not that common for women. I can only agree with it. smiley - biggrin
Oh well, it's weekend, why should we talk about w*rk anyway. Ah yes, I'll have a whole day training tomorrow, so I may as well cancel the weekend.

Lydia Koidula

Post 205

Ivan the Terribly Average

I don't know what to do with this weekend. The weather's a bit to warm for long walks, there's nothing I need from the shops, I could go to the markets tomorrow but I don't need anything there either... Maybe I'll just read.

Lydia Koidula

Post 206


By now the weekend is mostly done. What did you do?

Lydia Koidula

Post 207

Ivan the Terribly Average

I did nothing all weekend. smiley - zen Perfect. A lot of reading got done.

Since then, the excitement's been non-stop. I need another rest.

Lydia Koidula

Post 208


It's about a time for yet another weekend. smiley - zen

Lydia Koidula

Post 209

Ivan the Terribly Average

There should be more weekends. Many more.

Lydia Koidula

Post 210


I can't agree more. And I want to sleep. smiley - yawn I should start to w*rk though.

I wish I knew what on earth is hearth pump. smiley - sadface

Lydia Koidula

Post 211

Ivan the Terribly Average

Hearth pump? smiley - huh No idea.

Of course, it could be a misprint for 'earth pump', in which case I still have no idea, or 'heart pump', which makes slightly more sense but not much more.

What's the context?

Lydia Koidula

Post 212


Pellet combuster. smiley - zen

Lydia Koidula

Post 213

Ivan the Terribly Average

Still no idea...

Maybe it's time for me to go to bed, if I don't understand English any more. smiley - silly

Lydia Koidula

Post 214

Ivan the Terribly Average

And why have you become sheepish? smiley - huh

Lydia Koidula

Post 215


I have been smiley - blacksheep for few years already. I think it was Pierce, who started it. The (annual) news is that I am dperessed. (And I am.)
I feel somewhat reluctant to come here (here=hootoo) and say or do anything. It's kinda hard to put on the smiling face, even if it's yet another yellow smiley. But I keep trying. I hate this time of year - it's 15.30 and dark on the streets already. There was no day at all. And I am totally broke. And I am tired 24*7. This is no life. Translating all that rubbish is a bit of a change though. At least I was able to pay the mortgage. smiley - laugh Or should it be smiley - brave. There is no smiley for bitter laugh...

Lydia Koidula

Post 216

Ivan the Terribly Average

Ah, yes, the time of year. I remember that it doesn't agree with you. smiley - hug As for the rest - well, I wish I could help. If I ever get time to go to a post office again, I might be able to make some sort of gesture or at least show that I care...

Lydia Koidula

Post 217


smiley - hug You're showing it here. smiley - smiley

Lydia Koidula

Post 218

Ivan the Terribly Average

This is the easy part. smiley - smiley

smiley - cakesmiley - tea

Lydia Koidula

Post 219


smiley - ta

*nibbles smiley - cake*

How has life been treating you?

Lydia Koidula

Post 220

Ivan the Terribly Average

It's been good to me lately. Very good.

The thing is, I'm so used to Life doing bad things to me that I can't help wondering when it'll go back to the normal pattern...

But I should stop thinking like that. I do try. smiley - smiley

In the meantime, I like my job and I like the way things are going for me.

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