
Can I have my money now please ?

Douglas wrote so many words in the four part guide trilogy. I would hate to be another copycat, but I might otherwise copy in a dogg'ed fashion. My skin colour is pale and not without blemish although I am happy about it. Thank you oh great body painter in the sky.

I sympathised to the Adams stories of Dirk Gently and the Holistic Detective Agancy also, but my foundations of fantasy were firmly X generated in the 70's upon the Hitch Hikers Guide. Staying calm through traumatic childhood and battling with emotionally vicious adults I am now more or less honed into an ok, kind, generous, un assuming 30 plus year old bloke. If I could have my way and design something created by Mr Adams I would love to have a go at the improbably driven Heart of Gold. A symbolic craft which could be everywhere while traversing during the fitted drives operation but would stop at the most improbable (or unpredictable if you like) point or place. Don't hearts of gold do this sort of thing ? Funny that, and plausible to me. Perhaps I'll change that last paragraph, parhaps not. I can't decide.

My favouritest favourite of favourite things in my favourite pile of things would be a black piece of vinyl. It would look like a record and sound like someone falling down the stairs when played. On it is written Malcom McLaren / The Largest Picture House In Paris. The only album to truly stick in my mind and released in '94, because I like the French, British, US composed and inspired crossyness of it all. Love me or love me not, I love this place and what I feel that it stands for.

All the very best.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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