This is the Message Centre for Carole
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Started conversation Jul 16, 2005
Congratulations are the order of the day, and maybe a hello and welcome back as well
I'd wondered where you had disappeared to but am so happy to see you've returned, hopefully for an extended stay. I took a wee bit of time away myself but have once again returned, invigerated and ready for action
The Cherry Cake finally made it to the front page, just as I knew it would. Like one of your tortioses (or is the plural tortie?)it took a bit, but it was worth the wait
I hope to see you about again and with luck perhaps we may continue our wonderful chats. Till then, your friend as always
Peek-a boo
Carole Posted Jul 16, 2005
Hello Spynxx,
How nice to hear from you and thanks for the congrats.
Sorry we lost touch. I had a really bad dose of flu in the spring and it left me feeling quite depressed. I didn't feel like doing anything much and talking even less. I am feeling better now, of course, but am not back to my normal self - I guess it could be my age too (they say women go a bit strange at my time of life - and I am hoping it wont last forever.
I hope you and your family are well, we are all good. My daughter has surprised us by expecting a new baby in January. Her youngest is 7 so it surprised everyone!(not least her).
Jim and I celebrated our Ruby Wedding three weeks ago and had a huge party here in our village - in the Vilage Hall - to which friends and family from all over the place came. It was great to see everyone enjoying themselves - just wish they had drunk a little more booze as we have piles of the stuff sitting in the larder which we dont drink (wine and beer) Here's one for you
The tortoises are all well and gaining weight (yes I do weigh them from time to time to make sure they are keeping well!) They are loving the hot weather we are having here at present - our long awaited heatwave. They are all bashing each other's shells (courtship ritual) right left and centre. Trouble is the females are too young yet to reproduce so we will have to wait a year or two for eggs. It is my dream to produce some hatchlings and raise them. Though it is not an easy process in England. You have to find where they have buried the eggs and put them in an incubator - so you really have to watch them all the time if you think they are going to lay. A friend of mine has actually installed a cctv camera because she works during the day!
Well, I must pop off - we have guests in at the moment who are just finishing their breakfast (did I tell you we run a B&B?) so I have to clear the table and load the dishwasher.
And later today we have our Garden Club Annual Summer Show so I must rake around the garden to try to find some flowers to arrange artistically! Wish me luck. I did win the cup a couple of years ago.
So bye bye for now - thanks fopr getting in touch again.
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Jul 16, 2005
Multiple congratulations are the order of the day (even if it does sound rather sexual in nature
A Ruby is a major accomplishment in this day and age and says more about about your personal commitment than mere words could ever hope to express. A for each year, and may you be blessed with as many more.
And a new grandchild on the way as well! Things do come in threes don't they? Give my best to your lellypompom for me, may you both have the energy to keep up with the new addition.
Now that you're back I guarentee that you will regain your health in record time as laughter really is the best medicine, and before long you'll be busting out in fits of hilarity I promise
I'll drop by again a bit later to continue as it's now 4:00am and I'm getting a bit dodgey in the noggin. This heat may be heaven for a shell back but it's pure hell on us bipedel types
Till later then,
Peek-a boo
Carole Posted Jul 16, 2005
Dear Spynxx
Looks like things come in fours today! I just won the cup at the Summer Flower Show in our Village.
Thanks for your note - speak soon
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Jul 16, 2005
Hey, all that's left is for those lotto folks to show up and you'll have an excuse to diminish that stockpile of booze
Really though, congratulations...again Those flower shows get mighty competetive and winning is no small feat, why it even adds to the reputation of your B&B as having muliple prize winning floral displays.
Give the turtles some yummy petals for me and I'll talk to you later
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Sep 12, 2005
Hello Carole
Just thought I'd drop to back up my Journal Entry with a more personal plea. As you've no doubt already read the entry there is not much more that really needs saying, though there are a few details that may hold a bit of interest.
Did you know that Hypatia writes 'The Cranky Gardener' column for the post and recently (well June at least) she flew over the big pond just to attend the Chelea Flower Show, thus fulfilling a life long dream.
She is a librarian in real life, so words are her passion as well as her vocation.
Her running mate Jodan is the Cheif Editer for the UnderGuide, a fellow commited to promoting great creative writing here on site, writing just like your own 'Cherry Cake'
And a perusal of the Campaign Platform at A1341109 should give even further insight as to why this is the party of choice.
A simple trip over to the Campaign Headquarters at A5645531 will allow you to add your own name to the ever growing list. Just leave a messege at the bottom plrdgging your support and you can know in your heart of hearts that you've done the right thing.
And please, don't be shy! Spread the word to all your friends so that they will have a true voice in the h2g2 that is to come as well. The more the better, and strong support go's hand in hand with strong leadership. I'll be keeping an eye peeled for you, so come on down and jump on the bandwagon.
Deputy Campaign Director/Hypatia for President
Peek-a boo
Carole Posted Sep 13, 2005
Hi Brad,
This popped up in my space yesterday and I wans't sure if it is for real or just a spoof
Hope you are well.
Wow that's a long way to come for the Chelsea Flower Show - although it is, of course, a fantastic show. I have been a few times and the coverage it gets here on the telly is week long when its on.
I'll read it again and see what I make of it.
Best wishes
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Sep 13, 2005
Hi Carole
Nope, it's no spoof but instead a real election. Some of the parties and cadidates could certainly make one believe this to be the case with one exception...The Ozark party . The two links will take you to our headquarters as well as our 'Manifesto' so take a look and join the winning team
Really, we would really appreciate your support. We are already the front runners but this IS politics so anything can happen and every singlr vote counts. Besides, it benefits all of us to have proper representation when hammering out policy with the italics (the official BBC reps who run this little slice of paradise)
Aside from that, it's nice to be able to say hello again. Anything new on the writing front?
Peek-a boo
Carole Posted Sep 14, 2005
Hi Brad,
Well OK you can count on my support. Since you are the only party to canvass for my vote.
No I haven't been writing lately - it's the B and B season here so it's all bed changing and washing and ironing etc. But things will quieten down soon thank heavens. Already autumn is surfacing and the weather is getting chilly. I guess the same is true in USA - although I am not sure about Wisconsin - maybe that is an area where you have constant sun?
We were all horrified to see what has happened to New Orleans - such a terrible shame.
Nice to chat to you again too.
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Sep 14, 2005
Thank you Carole, I promise that the party will not let you down.
It is getting on fall time here as well. We are not so far north as to get sun 24/7 like those in the frozen wastelands. Instead we are located as a state on the US/Canadian Border, our top capped by Lake Superior.
Soon it'll be vacation time for you once the B&B patrons take a winters rest so that is something to look forward to.
Sorry to cut and run but the campaign trail calls and I must do as duty dictates. I shall chat with you again soon though.
Peek-a boo
Carole Posted Sep 15, 2005
OK Brad,
Do your duty - when is the campaign over? Is there an election? How do you know who has won?
Best wishes
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Sep 15, 2005
The campaign will go on till the end of October, gaining speed like a runaway freight train and will culminate with a vote.
No worries, we'll keep you posted as to the how, when and where. At least we will when we know ourselves
Peek-a boo
Carole Posted Sep 16, 2005
Hey there
Right, thanks. How often does this electioneering happen? And what does the ruling party do?
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Sep 16, 2005
Hi Carole,
This is only the second of such elections in the sites history. The first was won by Peregrine, The Duke of Earl...yes the REAL Duke of Earl. Sadly he is no longer on site, though he was a spendid chap when he was.
And so it was decided to elect a new President as the office is one which, like in real life, helps bond diverse groups as a whole. H2G2 is certainly diverse, and occainally there are issues that need reolution and mediation in order to maintain...well order
Also, the office gives us a common voice when dealing with the italics, those BBC lads and lasses who actually 'run' this place.
As to a length of term, I'm not sure there is one! Probley till some folks want the current power impeached, though that is unlikely to happen with our cadidates running the show
Hope that clears things up a bit. Here's a for being a conciencious voter and another just for being you
Peek-a boo
Carole Posted Sep 17, 2005
Dear Brad,
Thanks for the information and I hope the campaign is going well.
Thanks for the roses too.
Weather still cold here in Devon but today is brilliant and sunny and we are off to our local market to get some primulas to brighten our winter tubs and baskets. And some food for the tortoises. We have taken them into their autumn heated quarters to feed them up for hibernation. They have got a little thin. Our garden is very shady and they stop eating before they norally would if they got more sun.
Have a nice weekend
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Sep 17, 2005
Would you believe there are (or were) 2 Peregrines? One with an 'e' and one without, one a Duke and the other an h2g2 Prez.
The with an 'e' was the dukeish type and not the president, but as both are now gone I guess it's really a moot point
As to the campaign itself, we are the overwhelming favorites but that is no suprise. One simply has to look at the facts and judge accordingly
Skinny turtles? I'd never have imagined such a thing but I guess it makes sense. Is there some way to enhance the lighting situation in the garden? Perhaps a few stratigicly placed mirrors, like those kind of eliptical types that shopkeepers used to watch for shoplifters in the days before video.
It would take a few weeks to get it situated properly but you theoreticly could have sunlight concentrated throughout an area from sunrise to sunset. Besides which it would give you something fun to do outdoors during the off season, sort of like playing an adventure game in which you must unlock the secrets of (insert favorite ancient mystery here)
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Sep 29, 2005
Hello Carole,
Just dropping by to let you know that voting has commenced and the balloting will be conducted via email.
The email address and voting info is located at A5889261 but here's a heads up on the system that is being used.
It's called an instant runoff and it consists of choosing your picks in order of preference #1, #2, #3 etc..
In reality you needn't cast but one vote unless you choose to cast more, just make sure that whatever the number that you put Hypatia in the #1 slot
Thanks so much for your support in this. In the end we will all have better hootoo because of it, all thanks to folks like you. And with that it's off on ye oldee campaign trail once again
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Oct 10, 2005
Thanks Carole, for your support as well as your vote. In the end it was a landslide victory and one which will have an impact on the site as a whole, though the changes will be suttle and well thought out. For now I'm just glad the campaign is over and I can get back to 'normal' activities such as reviewing down in the workshop and chatting with friends.
I imagine that your season must be almost at an end now, at least if the weather is anything like here. Frost on the ground, all the migratory critters migrated and not a turtle in sight although I did see some at a nature center just the other day and thought of you (soft shelled box, painted and snapping turtles) Of course they were just babies and no bigger than teacups but all babies are cute at that age
Peek-a boo
Carole Posted Oct 12, 2005
Hi Spy,
Glad to be of help.
The baby turtles sound sweet. I am just hoping that mine will have babies one day. I think Mediterranean, African and Galapagos tortoises are kind of sweet even when they grow up. But some of those Box Turtles and long snake necked turtles are very ugly. The Big Sea Turtles - green and Caretta Caretta are beautiful too.
Before I began keeping tortoises I had no idea how many different varieties there are.
Hope you are well
Peek-a boo
Spynxxx Posted Oct 12, 2005
The box turtle was rather homely, so much so that he became cute because of it. And the snappers fall under the same category, Quasimodo in a shell. I'm always wary when wading about in ponds and lakes for fear of the bussel basket sized snappers, they have a penchant for toes and I'd rather not be a stumpy footed fellow. The painted were beautiful of course and seemed rather friendly as well.
I remember going to the zoo when I was young and seeing the giant tortoises. I woud climb on and pretend I was going for a ride, and as they seldom moved pretend was as close as I could get. Now as an adult I find myself wondering what they must have thought of such antics. Were they wise with age and tolerant of the wee ones, almost happy to have the attention and someone to play with. I'd like to think so because the alternative was that they were upset at the indignity of such treatment.
I am indeed very well, and how about you?
and Spy just for practice
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Peek-a boo
- 1: Spynxxx (Jul 16, 2005)
- 2: Carole (Jul 16, 2005)
- 3: Spynxxx (Jul 16, 2005)
- 4: Carole (Jul 16, 2005)
- 5: Spynxxx (Jul 16, 2005)
- 6: Spynxxx (Sep 12, 2005)
- 7: Carole (Sep 13, 2005)
- 8: Spynxxx (Sep 13, 2005)
- 9: Carole (Sep 14, 2005)
- 10: Spynxxx (Sep 14, 2005)
- 11: Carole (Sep 15, 2005)
- 12: Spynxxx (Sep 15, 2005)
- 13: Carole (Sep 16, 2005)
- 14: Spynxxx (Sep 16, 2005)
- 15: Carole (Sep 17, 2005)
- 16: Spynxxx (Sep 17, 2005)
- 17: Spynxxx (Sep 29, 2005)
- 18: Spynxxx (Oct 10, 2005)
- 19: Carole (Oct 12, 2005)
- 20: Spynxxx (Oct 12, 2005)
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