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alright, i know i said i'd leave a couple times before, but this time i actually am leaving. i thought h2g2 was talking about life, the universe, and everything, but so far i haven't had that chance and im so sick of ford's ranting on about nothing by now, im just leaving. there's no point in this anymore.

sorry fred and midnight!!!! i'll still talk to u online!!!


smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 31, 2004


What do you call a trumpet with half a brain?


haha last night at my friend jordan's house we were all making trumpet jokes; that one was how it all started and then we just made fun of jordan and anton the rest of the night. Everyone there was in band, so we had wars between percussion, saxes, trumpets, and flutes, it was great.

anyways, i can hardly wait to be a trumpet next year, it's gonna be so much fun! smiley - magic

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 29, 2004


Yay! vacation! Christmas! at last!!!

but it's so weird that i've changed soooo much in a week! i started working on my book again for the first time in ages and actually had fun with it, and i started watching anime! i NEVER watch anime! but last exile is pretty cool... at least from what i saw.smiley - biggrin I'm watching tv a lot more now, reading a lot more, and (watch out this is shocking) im playing video games again!

i can't believe it! i've changed so much in four days im only wondering how much im gonna change next week! holy crap! oh ya, im practicing bass a lot more (duh) and now i can play stuff pretty darn good only the second time! it's awesome!

happy holidays!
smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 25, 2004


well... getting back into the christmas spirit... haha

there's a bunch of candy-coated almonds on my counter and i just now realized (after about a week) that they'll turn ur tounge into the color of the coating. and they're pastell too, so it's really cool... ya... i finally noticed when i was brushing my teeth that my tounge was purplish-whitish. it was awesome!

hahahaha... i think i should try that tomorrow... hehe

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 20, 2004


omg! someone just i.m.ed me and i don't know who it was, but gosh im scared!!!!!

i think im gonna need protection....

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 19, 2004

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