This is a Journal entry by ShadowOfYourSmile


Post 1


Yay! vacation! Christmas! at last!!!

but it's so weird that i've changed soooo much in a week! i started working on my book again for the first time in ages and actually had fun with it, and i started watching anime! i NEVER watch anime! but last exile is pretty cool... at least from what i saw.smiley - biggrin I'm watching tv a lot more now, reading a lot more, and (watch out this is shocking) im playing video games again!

i can't believe it! i've changed so much in four days im only wondering how much im gonna change next week! holy crap! oh ya, im practicing bass a lot more (duh) and now i can play stuff pretty darn good only the second time! it's awesome!

happy holidays!
smiley - rose

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