Journal Entries

School Again

Well, it's been a pretty fun weekend. Warm for winter today. Really pretty outside, too. Snow's melting. School again tomorrow. I have a feeling that i need to work on the stuff for my science class that was due over a month ago... eheh... But sometimes when you just don't understand...

O well. I am now reading The Exorcist. Only on pg. 30 and it's the most disturbing book I have ever read in my entire life, even though Dreamcatcher was mentally scarring as well. The smoke detectors going off when I was really getting into my new challenge only made it scarier, and the noises from upstairs, as I was reading it in the basement.

School won't be so blah now, I don't think, since this weekend was a really big change in my house. We have a new couch downstairs, too. All the legos (left by my annoying little brothers) masking the carpet have been put away (FINALLY!!! WHOO!). We also have a lot of new books, including the one I am currently reading. And as of last night, well...

I think that pretty much wraps up my thoughts for now; I'll write again later.

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2004


Well, thrown off guard by a totally awesome night, there is only one word. Whoa.

hehe just had to get that out of my system, for now. smiley - smiley

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 12, 2004

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