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YAY! i finally learned GuideML!!
*jumps for joy*

hehe i think im gonna go on a picture mania pretty soon but o well!

I LEARNED GUIDEML!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin
smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2004

Random Show

Well... i was just writing my third poem about our overwhelming lesson at state... when suddenly i stopped typing, grabbed the cd by the CPU, and started listening to our show.

Totally random i guess. No... not random. More of a need to remember that day.

Next year is our year.

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2004

Random Show

Well... i was just writing my third poem about our overwhelming lesson at state... when suddenly i stopped typing, grabbed the cd by the CPU, and started listening to our show.

Totally random i guess. No... not random. More of a need to remember that day.

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2004

friend tossed away

well... i have now realized what one event can mean for the future of ur friendships.

State... that bitter-sweet day, the band and all it's glory- reputation caught back only when competition didn't really matter. State... o gosh how everything could have been different....

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 18, 2004

ahh... homework

I just thought i should mention my extreme hatred of all homework. even fun homework. i wish nothing but death and ill will to it!!!!

smiley - rose

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Latest reply: Dec 16, 2004

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