This is the Message Centre for Chris Tonks

Hi there!!

Post 21

Chance & Ardal

E told's us that you'd maybe's wanted us to be in your aquarium ~ fishy grins ~

We's is popping by to says that we's would likes that very much ~ fishy grins ~

~blows fishy bubbles~

Hi there!!

Post 22

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

I see Chance & Ardal beat me here...smiley - winkeye

Hmm...well...I've been thinking...smiley - smiley

There's those 2 spare me's just sitting around doing nothing after climbing Mt you wanted...well...I'm sure one of them might be willing to help...smiley - smiley

I don't know which one though...they're all the same...all me...smiley - smiley

And we all have the added bonus of having worked at the donut serving people stuff's no problem...smiley - smiley

And I'll feel better knowing there's not as many of me hanging around the beach...smiley - winkeye

Hi there!!

Post 23

Engels42 (Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness)

Hmm... this seems to be the place to apply to help on the space station. I read the explanation you gave Njan, sound nifty to me smiley - winkeye

Hi there!!

Post 24

njan (afh)

teehee... I liked the explanation. smiley - smiley

Join us in the research section!! smiley - smiley

Hi there!!

Post 25

Chris Tonks

Woah mama! I wait ages for some replies, and BANG! loads of 'em!smiley - smiley
Great stuff!smiley - bigeyes
Right, we'll be openning sooner than expected then. Let's see, E, you said you were good at serving people (and I know you are), so you can work in one of the restaurants and cafes, serving meals from different planets, if you like. Your fish could supervise the observatory from their aquarium, which I'm shortly to have built for them.smiley - winkeye
Engels42, since you seem to know Njan, you can help out in one of the labs.smiley - smiley
Oh and Njan, I didn't mean you *had* to work in weapons research, it was just a suggestion. Name a division, any division of science (within reason) and you can work there!smiley - smiley

Hi there!!

Post 26

njan (afh)

hmm.... I very much like astronomy, cosmology, Quantum Physics, theoretical physics, and the philosophy of science. Umm......

Hi there!!

Post 27

Chris Tonks

Well you can't work on experiments of philosophy, as far as I know, but quantum and theoretical physics sounds very promissing.smiley - smiley

Hi there!!

Post 28


Greetings BigC
It all sounds very interesting.
I wonder if there may be a place for me somewhere. Unfortunately due to certain W*** constraints my input would be sporadic, limited by the way we measure time and the passing of the planets cycles.
Is there some sort of messaging facility where I can get in touch
with you, so as to better explain my situation. I don't want to clutter up the valuable space here by going into it all now.
I may be better in some sort of 'general' capacity. Helping out when someone else is unavailable.
Drop me a line at my homepage. Ignore the text i am about to change it.

Hi there!!

Post 29

Chris Tonks

OK, I'll see you at your homepage...

Hi there!!

Post 30

Engels42 (Thingite Minister of Leaky Ethics and Spiffyness)

Sounds great, I'll be happy to work with Njan on some astrophysical things in the labs. Working in a dank pit is the best smiley - winkeye
Especially since astrophysics is my main focus in life, so..... direct me to the 'labs' I guess! smiley - smiley

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