This is the Message Centre for Nonametraveller
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 27, 2003
It's Friday 22nd August....I'm such a sometimes, I never actually said the date!! lol@me
Will definitely be getting some photos cos it will probably be the first and last time my best buddy does my hair in that many ponytails lol
Not sure about clothes at the moment, really depends on the weather but if it's going to be really nice probably a black vest and a pair of hot pink cropped trousers I've got (match my hair tee hee), if its not so nice long parachute trousers, vest and my leather....and the obligatory Doc Martin boots
You'll have to post me the "link" to your guide entry so I can go be nosey...
You did indeed mention the courses, when do they start??
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 27, 2003
Feature writing, journalism and creative writing to be well as some computer studies.......
and hopefully touch typing
impressed huh??
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 27, 2003
I am doing the courses already working from home via the london school of journalism. Sometimes i have online lectures and occasionally i will be attending some workshops in town , but mostly it is studying at home and doing assignments.
At the moment i am trying to get my head around interviewing people...celebs, politicians, sports people...anyone who i can make newsworthy i guess. I am busy trying to interview an apparently well known artist from jakarta via e-mail at the moment which is proving to be quite interesting.
I am going to start a third one too which is aimed more at creative writing....fiction novels and stuff like that.
I dunno why i thought it was next week....mind you i thought it was this weekend too. Whatever,....actually you are making me chuckle quite you bleeper you!!
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 27, 2003
They sound really interesting
How long have you been working on the email interview??
I loved my job at the Post & Mail, especially the time spent in Editorial, worked in Features, News, Sport and Pictures...purely on a secretarial basis, but the hustle and bustle atmosphere was second to I got on really well with our Music Editor and used to get loads of freebies...tee hee
The Science Fiction writing sounds really good, are you hoping to eventually write a book or just use it for smaller projects??
Am a HUGE horror fan, King/Koontz/Herbert....scares the pants off me but I'm addicted!! lol
Chuffed I make you chuckle, I like to put a smile on peoples faces.....even if it is when they're just laughing at how I look!! lol...had a few chuckles the past few days myself!!
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 27, 2003
If you want a PROPER chuckle, when you get 5 mins, take a peek at my Journal Entry on my page for yesterday
I've taken some stick for it already....
But I don't shoulders are
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 27, 2003
Chuckling again....where did you get 'science fiction' from??
However, i would like to write a book or two yes...maybe some short stories too. Not quite sure where this whole journey is going to take me....just taking it and trying to get as much in as poss. I also figure that if i am ever going to get any real money out of it , the most likely way is through a book. is something i have always had a yearning to do so i am doing it. For me life is all about the journey...not so much the result. I mean what is the result?...the result surely is what we feel about ourselves when we are on our deathbed, and all i know is that the only thing i want to be sorry for is the things i DIDN'T get around to doing.
I sent off a second mail this seems a bit stilted though as this person is a friend of a friend and i have never heard of her, so i am still trying to find out if and where i can see some examples of her work and do a bit of research.
You will have to tell me more about your time with the paper...which one was it?
I have to admit, i am not into horror at is scary enough!...nor will you ever find me on fairground rides
( just had a thought....hmmm)
I'm not laughing at how you look. Its your character.....dontcha know??
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 27, 2003
Aaaaah, now, you see...(thinking on the hop).....I slipped the word "science" in to see if you were REALLY paying attention to what I type and to "test" that you KNEW which course you're doing.........(ha!! sucker...he's no idea I fluffed it)...
I worked for The Birmingham Post and Evening of my News Editors was Ken Gibson who now writes the Motoring Feature for The Sun and one of our reporters was Nick Parker who also works for The Sun now.....actually me and Nick had a few drunken nights out during our time there and were right sods for messing about..."memories"...."sigh"
I used to have to look after a couple of columns too, Chemist Rotas, Bingo Numbers, Weather Forecasts....not exactly "By line" stuff but my responsibility just the same.
I just love to read, have read the first 3 Harry Potter books...several times over lol and am looking forward to getting the hoping to utilise them in my "Parenting Skills" know, threaten to use one of Professor McGonogalls Transfiguration Spells on the kids if they don't behave...
A disastrous trip to Drayton Manor many years has made me "wary" of fairground/white knuckle rides...the day we decided to go the main White Knuckle Rollercoaster ride got shut down AFTER we went on it due to several bolts falling out the track....then to top my day off I ended up unconscious with a broken nose after "enjoying" a turn on the Log Flume.....
Yeah I know you're not laughing at me ...but I have been labelled the "Playground Entertainment"....god I love reactions!!! lol
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 28, 2003
Morning Buttons,
And a beauty it is me to have booked up a few hours in college!!
Sounds like you had a lot of fun at the newspapers, have you ever thought about doing some freelance work?
I am also an avid reader, i like biographys, auto or otherwise, and good stories with a grain (at least) of historical fact to them, and sometimes a good thriller or adventure drama. As far as novelists go i guess that Wibur Smith and James Clavell are my favourites. Have not read any of these Harry Potter books....maybe i should. From what i have heard it sounds like she has read JR Tolkien and adapted the theme to modern times....clever girl and very good luck to gives all us inspiring authors real inspiration.
Playground entertainment!!! for more reactions i take it...lmao....who labelled you that?
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 28, 2003
Afternoon Mr NT
Glorious day.....and I'm stuck at home waiting on workmen How was college?
My time at the Newspaper was purely on a secretarial basis, no journalistic qualities needed lol. Will leave that sort of thing to the people with talent
Not read the Tolkien books, terrible admission I know, haven't even seen the film, just never appealed to me. Didn't expect to get into the Harry Potter books the way I did, started reading them to my eldest and found I couldn't put them down, unfortunately he didn't become so enthusiastic about them lol he's definitely more into history, science and animals.
J K Rowling started writing the books as bedtime stories for her little one's and not initially for publication, much the same way Thomas The Tank Engine was created.
I've mixed feeling about "biographies", if it's written by the person themselves and published with their consent then no problem. What I disagree with are the books written by people, usually after the "Star" is deceased, that in my opinion, could be no more than mere works of fiction, after all we're going purely on the authors word that this is all true. The book that upset me the most was the release of Kurt Cobains' diary after he died. Again in my opinion this was done by Courtney Love for financial gain. I read maybe 3 pages of it and felt like I was totally invading the man, not an enjoyable feeling and certainly doesn't make for enjoyable reading.
Heard anything back from your email interview today??..can your "friend" not give you any "inside info" perhaps??
One of the mums at school commented to me recently that "Oh, darling, look at you, you really are the playground entertainment, we can't wait to see what you look like each morning..".....that amused me more than anything but there have been some other comments made that I found hurtful, especially as they came from people I've known for some years and know how far I've come as a person the past few years...but yep, I do love the reaction I get
Hiya 80)
Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups Posted Jul 28, 2003
ah my prob with friends is that they are my recently aquired ex's friends too!
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 28, 2003
Afternoon ladies,
How you both be?
Waiting on workmen eh?.....lucky fellas!!
College was ok...nice new computers. Actually i was a bit tired, maybe because i didn't eat anything before i went...or maybe because i started doing database access. To be honest i found it a little boring...i will persist for a while but i am considering changing to powerpoint. Although i will be using access, i don't think i am going to need every little mundane detail, whereas powerpoint is fun and who knows. Also, i have used other databases before and i am thinking it is one set of software i would rather learn by trial and error rather than sitting through boring periods trying to force it....i'll decide tomorrow....(lol...rabbit rabbit rabbit...i'll bet you're sorry you asked....)
Talented people....i guess that blows me out then...
Mind you....if she can go from bedtime stories to being one of the countrys richest ladies....talent or's worth a shot.
Yes i have had a couple of mails from the artist this morning, plus one from her friend, so i have a bit of a base of knowledge to work on. She seems quite interesting actually, and according to her friend has had her work bought by goverments and royalty.
So you have got a few 'oh dahlings' up there too hey....drowning in them down are fun..... but some are pretty nasty....... and pretty is rarely the operative
Hi Optical....sounds to me like you may need a new set of friends. These things happen though....just part of lifes rich tapestry.
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 28, 2003
Well after phoning at 2 this afternoon to find out where my "morning" appointments were, I was told one was off sick (thanks a lot for the courtesy phone call....) and that the other one was on his way.
The result of this visit is that I shall be cosmetically enhanced both front and rear in the near front and back doors lol
Rabbit....did someone say!!.........."Anyone for rabbit stew tonight??..."
Not sorry I asked, I just get lost with it sometimes, not having a pc nor being in a pc "environment". Last packages I used were Wordperfect5.2 and Lotus123....the words "antique" and "dodo" spring to mind lol
"Dahlings" and who I call the "Gingham and Twinset Brigade", apparently if their sons bought me home it would be "Their worst nightmare"...had to gently point out that there wasn't much chance of their 9yr old sons bringing home a 34yr old woman for tea, I know kids advance sooner these days but I genuinely thought one of them was going to pass out when they heard about a personal piercing I'd had done
So how far off completion are you with the interview.
Bad boy for not eating.......go to your room.....immediately!!! , hope you've eaten now.
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 28, 2003
Is that coincidence that you needed two new doors...or did you have an incident?
Long time since i've had rabbit stew...i have to admit i love the stews fullstop cooking them.
Are you another digiboxer?....seems to be a lot of it around , i had never heard of them until recently.
The piercing sounds....erm....sounds....differant....not in the ear then i take it...
I dunno if interview is the right word really, i am busy now compiling a whole bunch of questions for her which i will send later. Once she answers i reckon i will have it written up in a day or two.
I am going to try and make a point of doing a few more though...for practise...just for the hell of it...put them on file, maybe even try and sell one or two. I need to get some more focus as far as my subject matter is concerned.
Yeah i 've eaten now...finished off the salmon with salads and some toast. I often don't eat for the mornings...i did have a banana but i guess that was not enough......can't go to me room....i won't be able to want ..silence or't answer that!!
Hmmm....has another thought!!!....two in one
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 28, 2003
The front door is a result of a botched job they did in May, it doesn't fit and takes considerable effort to close as the lock doesn't fit properly. I managed to inject a little humour into the situation when I made a request for "Tonto to be sent to fit the next one, not the Lone Ranger" ....the backdoor I managed to "blag" today, is the result of an incident a few years ago but to be fair needed replacing because of its age.
Me piercings lol...well in total I have 23, 7 in each ear, right Tragus (gristle bit in front of the earhole), both nostrils, left eyebrow, tongue, both nips, navel and my personal one. Am intending to open my own Italian Restaurant and promote it on novelty value....."Come to Collander Elsa's....she strainsa da pasta personally"
I attempted to cook stew ONCE...was told to add Pearl I put a whole box in....I didn't know it would swell THAT much
What will your next subject matter be? any ideas??
Erm...would say disciplined silence, but I can imagine you at the screen to me lol....Yup a digibox user at the mo, although am hoping to be pc'd up a friend looking into a laptop for me
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 28, 2003
27 piercings!!....jeez nutcase you. I used to have one in my
I cook the best pasta cooking and eating 'peasant' food, i find it very therapeutic....especially if i have been grafting and dealing with 'folk'
So did you eat the
Nothing really firm in my mind. I have come to the conclusion that i want to have another try at writing a novel but i want to plan it better. Got any ideas for me...from a commercial point of view...i am not particulary doing it for the literary lust of it....i would like to see some bucks come out of it!!
Don't do discipline very well ( except for self disciplne of course) a good game ( hard to laugh with your tongue in your cheek!!)
Well hopefully your mate will come throuigh for you sooner rather than later...i have heard that these digiboxes are a pain in the 'box'. So do you have a keyboard for the TV?
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 28, 2003
27 piercings!!....jeez nutcase you. I used to have one in my
I cook the best pasta cooking and eating 'peasant' food, i find it very therapeutic....especially if i have been grafting and dealing with 'folk'
So did you eat the
Nothing really firm in my mind. I have come to the conclusion that i want to have another try at writing a novel but i want to plan it better. Got any ideas for me...from a commercial point of view...i am not particulary doing it for the literary lust of it....i would like to see some bucks come out of it!!
Don't do discipline very well ( except for self disciplne of course) a good game ( hard to laugh with your tongue in your cheek!!)
Well hopefully your mate will come throuigh for you sooner rather than later...i have heard that these digiboxes are a pain in the 'box'. So do you have a keyboard for the TV?
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 28, 2003
Catch up with you again later....just off for a hike on the heath.
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 28, 2003
Love my piercings, although I have a fear of thunder and misplaced "bolt" and I'd light up like a christmas tree
What happened to the novel that you started then?? what was it about??
Erm....erm....leave it with me I'll have a think....
I enjoy cooking, am pretty good too...if it's not stew lol.....don't get much opportunity though, my boys are fussy and have an objection to "real" food, although I have to take some responsibility as I don't eat fruit or vegetables
The stew was used in a little bloody Artexing I've ever done!!! lmao.....had to throw everything including the saucepan away tee hee
"Tongue in cheek..." I say, we aren't being a little "risque" there are we??
Didibox has its moments, sometimes its hard to move around here because the memory is limited, so gives you an error box, sometimes it just re-sets itself which is really frustrating but on the whole I do ok with it. Got a keyboard for it yeah, remotes are just pointless to try and use, gives you a "screen keyboard" and you have to click each letter individually AFTER cursoring to it, time consuming and hard work.
Hiya 80)
..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 Posted Jul 28, 2003
Hiya 80)
Nonametraveller Posted Jul 28, 2003 trees!!!....i can just imagine 90 little ponytails standing on end!!!!.
The book was based on an old guy i got to know, he was a street bum wino who used to be a lawyer. Nice thought....maybe i will revisit it sometime. I had an idea that i wanted to go on the street and interview some of these homeless folk...many of whom are totally decent folk who have had one bad turn of luck too many.
Love my fruit and veg....especially the veg...can almost live on the stuff these days...well with rice, pasta and fish. South Africa is a great place for fruit...everytime i go away on location or safari whatever.. i would take home sacks of nartjies, paw paws, the sweetest oranges, mangoes, pineapples and loads of others depending on where i was and at what time of the year....all of it bought on the side of the road by the farms for next to nothing.
Stew walls.....another punk thing? i to you 'missy loves to shock'!!!....lmao
Had a good walk this evening....must of done about 4 miles or so...bit bracing ( for me anyway....being the weather wimp that i am )...but a good pace soon warms you up.
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Hiya 80)
- 41: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 27, 2003)
- 42: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 27, 2003)
- 43: Nonametraveller (Jul 27, 2003)
- 44: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 27, 2003)
- 45: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 27, 2003)
- 46: Nonametraveller (Jul 27, 2003)
- 47: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 27, 2003)
- 48: Nonametraveller (Jul 28, 2003)
- 49: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 28, 2003)
- 50: Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups (Jul 28, 2003)
- 51: Nonametraveller (Jul 28, 2003)
- 52: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 28, 2003)
- 53: Nonametraveller (Jul 28, 2003)
- 54: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 28, 2003)
- 55: Nonametraveller (Jul 28, 2003)
- 56: Nonametraveller (Jul 28, 2003)
- 57: Nonametraveller (Jul 28, 2003)
- 58: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 28, 2003)
- 59: ..BuTToNs.. On the edge...but balancing nicely, thank you very much...Visit the FoLDers Arms at A913150 (Jul 28, 2003)
- 60: Nonametraveller (Jul 28, 2003)
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