Journal Entries

Boring entry that I felt I ought to put in...

Well, I'm now an ACE.
How exciting. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2000

Boring entry that I felt I ought to put in...

Well, I'm now an ACE.
How exciting. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Dec 14, 2000

Yes, er, this is my Journal, you appear to have found it right at the bottom of my page. Congratulations.
I feel that it ought to be mentioned that the floods happening in South England are disastrous around all towns and cities that have rivers flowing through them. Except the one that I live in, where the floods are pathetic. The puddles aren't even as large as they usually are after a lot of rain. I also feel that it ought to be mentioned that driving through these puddles and spraying innocent pedestrians intelligently walking on the pavement as opposed to walking on the road is NOT FUNNY.
So if you are one of the people who purposely drive through puddles to soak pedestrians would you kindly cease from behaving in this absurd and evil way from hereby after.
Thank you.

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Latest reply: Oct 14, 2000

Unfortunately for Wilfred...

OK everyone, this is a game. Basically, you tell part of a story and it always has to end with "Unfortunately for Wilfred..." OK. Shall I start?

One day, Wilfred was wandering happily down a rather orange street when, unfortunately for Wilfred...

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Latest reply: Aug 21, 2000

So, umm, yeah... I have noting to do, nothing to write, and a journal that looks neglected. Dammit.

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Latest reply: Jul 30, 2000

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Ming Mang

Researcher U114655

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