Journal Entries


I've sent back my email to become an ACE! Eek, I'm scared but happy nonetheless.

Ok, now it seems I've been on h2g2 for such a short time... oh well. I'll keep you posted!

The insane, scared but happy 16-year-old one, who may become an ACE, with the fish signature!

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Latest reply: Jun 5, 2000


Yey! I've just finished my first ever guide entry to be written in GuideML. I hdan't got the courage to use it before, and I'd used HTML instead! Yey yey yey!

Sorry... *she calms down*


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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2000

First EVER Journal Entry!

Ok, am I a little sad to be happy about that? Yes, I think perhaps I am...

Well! Maybe I am/was sad and just waiting to be loved smiley - sadface but I've had enough of people telling me that - so here I am as bright as the day (on which the sun has just set and ruined my similie)!

Hello any poor (brave) people who I haven't met yet and happen to be passing my page, please leave a message and I *should* reply to it within a great deal of time, well, cya.

The insane 16-year-old one with the fish signature!

Discuss this Journal entry [20]

Latest reply: May 31, 2000

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Insane Endeavour

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