
Hello you have entered the lair of la_chupa.

I’ve decided to quit piddling around and do something with my little space here.

I suppose introductions would be in order. Truth is I’m not entirely sure how to start. I know, how about a picture. It’s always nice to see who it is that you’re chatting with over the internet.

I suppose this one will work, but I look a bit goofy in it.

Although now that I consider the possibility, it may not be the picture so much as the truth of the fact that I am a bit goofy. smiley - huh

more pictures

I live in the southern part of THOSE United States. If you click on the link to whatever pictures I have on picasa at the moment, you’ll discover that as a general rule I would rather be outside than inside which is odd considering that I work in a typical cubicell in a big shinny building in the uptown area of the city. I would explain just what it is that I do for a living, but I find that when I do that people’s eyes tend to glaze over and they suddenly notice that their cell phone is vibrating or that they’ve forgotten to walk the dog. It involves math, accounting, service cost analysis and HEY HEY YOU’RE DOZING OFF AREN’T YOU WELL WAKE UP.

I play the piano, classical mostly. I’m not bad really which is more of a testimony to stubborn perseverance than talent.

Not too long ago I decided that my life and my closets were getting too junky so I went on a crusade to purge myself of all the unnecessary activities and focus on one or two things. I picked running and lifting weights. I find that both of those activities are very helpful with my primary weekend pursuits, hiking and camping. Then of course I ski in the winter but that’s more of an activity than a sport right so it doesn’t really count. And the bike, I mean who doesn’t enjoy a good bike ride. The golf clubs stay, not that I’ve every really learned how to play but I still mean to and I love going to the driving range and just whacking hell out of a golf ball. I had to keep the snorkel stuff because I do so love to snorkel. Oh that reminds me, I need to wax my surf board and work all the dings out because it’s almost surfing season.

In retrospect I would make more sense to put a shed in the backyard than actually get rid of anything, plus then I could finally get that ocean kayak I’ve had my eye on.

I read quite a bit. I’ve been on a Vonnegut kick for a while. I’m really into Hunter S. Thompson, Frank Herbert, and of course DNA. Yes I know they’re all dead and yes that does mess with my head a bit.

This is probably enough for now. Eventually I’ll get better with GuideLM and gussy the place up a bit.

smiley -

Pay no attention to this. I'm trying to figure out the color thing

FF0000 00FF00 0000FF CC0000 00CC00 0000CC FF00FF FF3399 CC00CC 6600CC 999900

This could get out of hand rather quickly. What is that 3 different variables with 6 different choices each? Does that really mean that there are 729 different possibilities?

This one is hideous


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