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The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 21

Organoleptic Icon

N o3 min rule here either?

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 22


Why not? It's in the Bible!smiley - laugh

Apologies for the over-simplification reply re h2g2 earlier - must be the teacher in me!

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 23


ROTFL, Scribbler! (Steve?)

I did use the phrase to which I believe you are referring while explaining the entire thread to OH smiley - smiley.

The sin of Onan indeed!


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 24


Hi Dee

Looking at your exchange with TT, the phrase 'Banging your head against a brick wall' comes to mind! She's never going to see the point you're trying to make!smiley - sadface

Did you see I got a one post withdrawn and another modded? I knew they would be, but I thought the second highlighted the absurdity of the whole language situation.

It was addressed to Rosie_Ro in response to her giving me the link to David Mitchell's column in the Guardian.

You'll get the gist of the first post I think:

Hi Rosie
"Paul - I absolutely *love* Mitchell's column - you have plenty to look forward to! Here's the one I was referencing "

Thanks for the link!smiley - hugAnd very glad to know he's still doing the Peep Show - can't wait.

Did you notice our previous exchange has been modded? At least my contribution has, and I can't find yours.

Here's what I wrote, suitably altered so as not to offend:
"and if anyone else is addicted to David Mitchell's Guardian column, then they'll know what I mean"[This was from Rosie]

[I replied]I only get the Saturday Guardian, so I don't see the David Mitchell columns.

I've just been looking at a few of them on the Guardian website.

I particularly enjoyed the article about - not the E word, or the G word, but the one in the middle word - absolutely priceless.

So that should be OK then...

But the h*ll with it - here's the link so you can all see the offending word in all its glory - and probably a couple of other words as well!smiley - ok


It just goes to show you can't be too careful!smiley - laugh

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

All I need to do now is to alert Rosie to this thread.

Cheers, Paulsmiley - smiley

Ps. I'm annoyed with myself for using the phrase 'Naughty words'. I should grow up a little!

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 25


Sorry guys, I cocked up the link to David Mitchell's article on swearing - here's the correct one:

Cheers, Paul


Post 26


This post has been removed.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 27


For the record, it was most definately NOT me that complained about White Ainsley's name!!!

I have never made any comments, either on the boards, or elsewhere, about racism, and I've no idea where you got the feeling that I did!

Jokes about Christianity, however, especially by the BBC Host, who is supposed to be representing the thoughts of the BBC, are a different matter entirely.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 28


Ah, so there's what all the hype was about then!

I have to agree, not particularly funny and I'm also with you on the tramp thing. I'm slightly appalled that all those people complained just because it was "disgusting". Surely it's worse that it's a bit nasty to homeless people? Just goes to show how illogical the whole triangling thing is...
It may be a bit "yucky" - but surely if you find a joke to be so, don't read it again! The only reason I can see to triangle that joke would be if you were against its mocking of the homeless - a far more vulnerable and put upon group then the 2 billion Christians in the world...
(That said, I don't think I'd personally triangle it. It doesn't seem offensive so much as not particularly nice)


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 29


Having checked through the posts, I think you will find that it was Sue-L who complained about White Ainsley: I was rather upset that you thought it was me!


Post 30


This post has been removed.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 31


TexasTitch - "You lot?"
What, as in atheists?

Actually, as an atheist, I can say that I do "get that". There's plenty of insulting things said about atheist. None would particularly offend me though, as I don't think it matters to be honest.

Things that tend to annoy me is that it's fine to push your Christianity on people - in my school (well, I've left now, but still!) we had plenty of Christian speakers. On two occasions we had Christians in who were not just believers but proper born-again creationists. Fundamentalists, really. Can you *imagine* what absolute outrage there would be if there was a fundamentalist atheist speaker? An extreme Darwinism? There'd be a huge outcry.
One thing that a speaker said was fairly offensive (although, to be honest, more pathetic) was "If you don't believe in God, dare I say that your life is meaningless". Yep, pretty hardcore.

Anyway, I know I'm going off the point, but I still think it's important to note that there's things which could be deemed 'offensive' to all of us - but mostly, only if we let them. Sometimes, we need to speak out against things that are passed off as 'jokes' but a lot of the time I think people need to just let them pass.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 32


Oh, and also, I've no doubt that Sue finds solace in her Catholicism - that's great, I know plenty do. But everyone takes solace from *something*. It doesn't mean that nobody can make any sort of joke about it, as long as it's not meant in a cruel way. It all goes back to what I sad - we shouldn't be looking to find offense in things.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 33

Organoleptic Icon

tt - "I used to be agnostic - but now I'm not sure" is an old joke - but a bad one because the true agnostic is not unsure, but sure he cannot know. Which is me.

But having studied the Christian Holy Book I can confidently say that Jesus of Nazareth would have laughed at the Cheeses of Nazareth joke, and upbraided the Pharisee objectors.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 34

Stokey Sue

Blimey - the whole darn shooting match has moved over here!

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 35

Organoleptic Icon

Over here adults seem to be allowed to have an adult converstion.

And some of the usual suspects for being offended seem not to have found this place!

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 36


For what it is worth Paul (and Rosie_Ro)

That is NOT an acurate copy of what the joke was.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 37


Sorry, P&T! I Thought I got the gist of it.

Can you tell me where I got it wrong?

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 38


No Paul, I could, but I won't as you are posting on the food board about posting on here which I feel makes a mockery of the food board, the moderation and the people who were offended by it.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 39

Organoleptic Icon

I found the joke googling. I don't think it's very funny, but could not get excited about it either!<quote>smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wah

The landlord gives him a straw but is curious as to why he wants it, so he asks the Tramp why he wants a straw and not a toothpick.

To which the Tramp replies, "Some bloke just threw up outside but all the good stuff's gone already".

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 40

Stokey Sue

Why have people who didn't like the jokes come onto this thread?

Do they just want to be offended all over again?

I have to say I heard the tramp joke when I was at school, and I though it was gross then (I think that's really the right term in this case) and I think it is gross now, and completely unsuited to a food board

But I wouldn't get on my high horse over it - and I wouldn't repeat it either

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