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The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 81



that was a funny joke and have sent it on the Round Robin I have on my mobile!!!smiley - devil

smiley - dragon

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 82


Apology accepted, Fiona.

Thanks for clearing up the mistake.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 83

Organoleptic Icon

How can "WhiteAinsley" be racist?

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 84


"Oh dear, Mr Frodo!" said Samdee Stobie, miserably. "As my old Gaffer used to say, I hope you won't - "

Frodothebread smiled and raised his hand wearily."No, Sam. I won't give up."

Aragorn101 turned his head sharply. "There are dark forces at work here. We must be very careful what we say, for they listen, always." He looked sympathetically at the dejected Foodits. "I think perhaps we must speak more circumspectly, lest they hear us and object." He smled, gently.

Merrilees and Pippin Ro looked at each other, then at the others "Does this mean we have to miss second breakfast again?" they asked, plaintively.

Dee smiley - laugh

PS I know Tolkein didn't use quite so many adverbs, and I haven't figured out yet who should play whom, but I couldn't resist.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 85


smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Now that was funny, Dee

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 86


Thanks, Sue. I did offer to write something in the style of Tolkein, and am seriously trying to recover my reputation both on here and the food board.

I apologise in advance, BTW, for any missing capitals and/or spaces in my posts. Water spilled on keyboard last night!!! The rest seems to be working fine, crossed fingers.

Would anyone like the next post in the style of Terry Pratchett, or should I continue with Tolkein? I prefer the latter - that was fun!


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 87


I prefer Tolkein, Dee.

I'm quite a fan of his smiley - winkeye

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 88

Organoleptic Icon

I too like Tolkein, but let's have a change?

And after Pratchett, what next? Bronte? Rushdie?

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 89


Tolkein it is then, until the king shall deem it otherwise. And who knows when he shall return?

"Do we carry on to Rivendell, or go back?" asked Gandalf, with some asperity.

"Depends on the dark forces listening in," said Pippin, eating a chicken leg. "Sorry."


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 90


what next? Bronte? Rushdie?

I told everyone the three I could do. If you want Hardy, Austen or Dickens, over to you, Steve!


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 91

Organoleptic Icon

It is a truth universally acknowleged that a scribbler posessed of little talent is in want of a style of his own, let alone the ability to ape his betters.

And then huff and moomsy down with floating and bright all around so the followers of the Prophet (PBUH) are wrath as if they understood this nonsense.

Eh-oh said Napoleon boyo.

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 92

Organoleptic Icon

The BBC seems to have reverted to GMT so Food board is closed - and anything posted here gets instantly an hour old!

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 93


Just caught up. (Been out for dinner!)

Lovely, Dee, Just lovely!

Not a fan of Tolkien, personally though.

Perhaps Orwell might be more fitting?

Back to the banned joke:

The email from the h2g2 editors informing me my post had been pulled invited me to resubmit it after some guidance...

"If you would like to re-write your contribution to remove the problem, then
we'd be very happy for you to post it again."

So I've replied asking what the 'problem' was so that I could indeed resubmit.

With any luck it was your closing line, Dee, that was the offensive bit! (You know, the bit where you got carried away?)smiley - laugh

Cheers, Paul

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 94


Actually, I'll retract Hardy as a suggestion for ANYONE.

Three pages describing a tree, another two discussing religion, then someone watches a rural dance.

Maybe the first and third may be acceptable?


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 95

Organoleptic Icon

Hi Paul - I responded to my own censoring in much the same terms! No response yet. I really don't think it's a good joke - I find it rather sickening (sic). But not beyond the pale.

I've just objected to my previous post to tell them their clocks are wrong!smiley - magic

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 96


With any luck it was your closing line, Dee, that was the offensive bit! (You know, the bit where you got carried away?)smiley - laugh

I'm fairly certain that was the killer, Paul.

Orwell? Will have to do some reading there...

Hope you had a lovely dinner!


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 97


"The BBC seems to have reverted to GMT so Food board is closed - and anything posted here gets instantly an hour old!"

Not GMT, Steve! If that was the case, the board would be open an hour later!smiley - biggrin

But you're right, the Food board *is* closedsmiley - sadface

[Anyone know how to quote on h2g2?]

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 98


Anyone know how to quote on h2g2?

Oh please, please, if you know, tell us! It's been driving me insane...smiley - wah


The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 99


"Hope you had a lovely dinner!"

I did indeed, Dee, thanks!

I was about to answer ariannina on the veggie food in pubs board, but I may as well post it here first.

I had coriander and carrot soup with ciabatta for starters; then,
Thai green curry for mains - plus a side order of chips (I'm such a peasant when I dine out!smiley - laugh)

Everything was quite delicious.

My wife, son and daughter-in-law were similarly very pleased.

Just remembered - I'd discussed with the chef my vegan requirements - and then they brought my soup with a swirl of cream in it!

But they were suitably embarrassed and brought me my vegan soup a couple of minutes later!

The banned joke (and that's a joke in itself!)

Post 100

Organoleptic Icon

Is that Thai Green Curry made WITHOUT nam pla fish sauce?

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