Stokey Sue

Hi Everyone

I'm Stokey Sue - Stokey because I live in Stoke Newington, Sue because it's my name. I got Sue (well, my mum thinks it's Susan) because Susan is the family name on both sides of the family.

I used to be a biochemist - since giving up actual laboratory work I have done all sorts of things related to medical research, most involving computing. Currently I'm in Quality Management - you can guess what that is (I do every day!)

My main interests apart from work are food, wine, travel and backgammon, and I'm a known francophile.

I enjoy the Food message board, my main use of my membership

Fellow foodies are welcome to contact me - my address is my name (no spaces) at


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
[no subject] Aug 3, 2009 Aug 6, 2009
Red-coat to consummate No Posting Jan 13, 2008
BBC Food Board meet. Oct 26, 2007 No Replies
The menu posted Oct 26, 2007 No Replies
hello No Posting Sep 19, 2007


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Stokey Sue

Researcher U184205


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