This is the Message Centre for Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~
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39 years
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Started conversation Oct 1, 2010
today marks the day i started my life in journalism 39 years ago. small wonder i feel a bit tired, yes?
it's a good thing that after todays late shift i will have a dozen holidays
six of them will be spent on the sunny island of lanzarote, due west of north africa, two others will be spent going there and back (i am forced to stop over six hours in madrid going south and six hours in barcelona going north again) but it's my holiday, so i will not let it get to me that those hours are more os less wasted as there is not enough time to leave the airports and go sightseeing. i will probably read a couple of books and have a nice meal and an
39 years
Lanzababy - Guide Editor Posted Oct 1, 2010
When I saw this to start with I thought of Birthdays to begin with. But the is on ice - next to some beer.
39 years
You can call me TC Posted Oct 1, 2010
Congratulations. You seem to miss out on holidays and time off quite a lot, so well done for getting all those consecutive days!
We were going to spend a week on the Canaries this autumn half-term, but due to the 14 hour journey (that stopover in Madrid) we plumped for Andalucia instead - direct flight to Malaga. The 7 days are too short to spend a whole day getting there and back. I'm still working on a programme to see if we can incorporate a visit to Azahar and Noggin.
So have a lovely time and I hope the weather stays good for you. Lanzarote has lots to do and see - and Lanzababy to boot!
39 years
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 1, 2010
I'm a little hazy on the islands off the coast of Africa. Where are the Azores in relation to the Canaries?
39 years
AlsoRan80 Posted Oct 1, 2010
Hi Pierce the ,
Have a wonderful holiday.
Hope the weather is kind to you
Go well,
Friday 1st October 2010 17,57 BMT
39 years
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Oct 2, 2010
thank you all
bel, as you have gathered from lanzababy's posting i am indeed going to visit her
and i am looking even more forward to it now that you have mentioned , lanza
paulh, the azores are almost smack in the middle of the northern part of the atlantic ocean, halfway between the US and europe, whereas the canaries are located southeast of the azores, much closer to africa. only some 50 miles, i believe
the azores are still on my to-do-list. the closest i have ever been was madeira, which is several hundred miles north of the canaries. a very vigorous island thanks to a very stable climate
39 years
AlsoRan80 Posted Oct 2, 2010
Hi Pierce the
When I was a child we used to come to Europe by sea - air travel was not so general then; in any case it took at least four days by flying boat, and two days flying wituh a conventional plane - necessary stops in Malta! - the Castle liners used to lie at anchor offshore for about twenty four hours and the passengers could go ashore. s
|I cannot remember which group of islands, but I think athe capital was called Maderia. The residents used to make the most beautiful embroidery there. Also the children used to come to the side of the ships and passengers used to throw coins into the water and they would dive for them. Incredible that.I wonder if that was being cruel to the children? We just thought they were so clever......
You are gooing to have a wonderful holiday,
Go well,
3/X/2010 9.40 GMT
39 years
Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ Posted Oct 2, 2010
Hi Christiane
Madeira is probably the island you visited on your sailing route between South Africa and Europe. The capital of Madeira is Funchal which is a lovely city. Very hilly though, like the rest of the island. You can hardly find roads and streets that are not going either up or down - or both Biggrin>
39 years
PedanticBarSteward Posted Oct 2, 2010
today marks the day i started my life in journalism 39 years ago. small wonder i feel a bit tired, yes?
Incredible - thirty-nine years with no capitalisation of the beginning of sentences and the first person singular is quite an achievement.
39 years
paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant Posted Oct 2, 2010
A lot of things in life are relative. It would have been worse if he had shouted at us with all caps.
39 years
Hapi - Hippo #5 Posted Oct 2, 2010
good .. and we'll not make make remarks on Denmark having a frightening amount of holidays, bank holidays, national holidays, special holidays, and holidays to celebrate holidays.
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39 years
- 1: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Oct 1, 2010)
- 2: aka Bel - A87832164 (Oct 1, 2010)
- 3: Hati (Oct 1, 2010)
- 4: Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor (Oct 1, 2010)
- 5: lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned (Oct 1, 2010)
- 6: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Oct 1, 2010)
- 7: You can call me TC (Oct 1, 2010)
- 8: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 1, 2010)
- 9: AlsoRan80 (Oct 1, 2010)
- 10: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 1, 2010)
- 11: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Oct 2, 2010)
- 12: AlsoRan80 (Oct 2, 2010)
- 13: Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~ (Oct 2, 2010)
- 14: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 2, 2010)
- 15: PedanticBarSteward (Oct 2, 2010)
- 16: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 2, 2010)
- 17: paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant (Oct 2, 2010)
- 18: Sho - employed again! (Oct 2, 2010)
- 19: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Oct 2, 2010)
- 20: Lanzababy - Guide Editor (Oct 2, 2010)
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