This is the Message Centre for Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 1

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

weather Extremes or, it's not raining again is it ??

I’m not a world genius on climate change, but I do have a theory that global warming is not the true devil in disguise.
And this is it:-
Not knowing the true total amount, but water evaporation off the seas and oceans of the world also including land mass, must be fairly constant in volume/tonnage. This is scattered around the world in rainfall, the most going on the rain forests due to the humidity etc. Now my theory is, that cutting down forest areas as big as football pitches every hour of every day(could be greater), the temperature of that region changes, the thin topsoil washes away and rock hard ground remains(soon to become deserts). BUT! All the water in the atmosphere (still a constant evaporation) still has to fall somewhere. So all the regions of the world that are having landslides, even floods, are area’s that don’t normally have that volume of rain annually, now are getting more water than the ground can handle, which causes the slides. Even countries with a normal annual rainfall like Britain(where I exist), as I write this(26/06/2007), is experiencing extremes of rainfall, as in one months annual rainfall in 24 hours parts of the country and more predicted. Overall, it seems to me that the Northern Hemisphere is heading to a wetter/warmer climate and the Southern hemisphere to a drier/colder one. If governments/businesses and common folk are planting trees for sustainable forests, all well and good, but it’s the rain forests that need to be replaced to try to bring our planet back to some form of environmental normality. The future will bring more wars and famine (guaranteed), as mass immigration occurs with more land mass becoming arid, unable to support any life and other countries that obviously will get over populated(food/fresh water resources per population).
I know that there are "easy" answers, because EVERYONE has them, except the people who can make it happen, without thinking what’s in it for me and profit first.
We always look back on history and how many times throughout the ages are heard the words "lessons can be learnt from the mistakes". But that is past tense; think in front! To say 100 years in the future, what’s the inheritance we are going to leave to THAT mankind (that is if there will be one). NOT a nice blue planet seen from space, but one giant rubbish/garbage/trash tip, an intergalactic landfill site, where humans will replace seagulls as scavengers.
I hope that my son and daughter, in their time, will produce offspring that will make a positive contribution to a future world worth living in.
I’m only a commoner, no say until voting time, but the entire PR spectrum says it’s up to ME to make the change, save this/recycle that.
Try governments/businesses and all the worlds money controllers (again that nasty word- profit!) the live now-pay later brigade!
Remember! What is Sci-Fi Now? Will be reality tomorrow, who can afford the enclosed Clean filtered air dome and who will wander the wastelands choking.

This is only my theory and my opinion.
Others theories/opinions are of equal and if not, then greater than mine and are respected for it.

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

my question
how many of this natural warming?
how much is due to "the industrial revolution"?

we will never know!

we need "a green revolution". they say that invest in now is expensive, but it will be more in each year that passes. I think that businesses need invest in green, if they does it right they get a percentage tax advantages each year. if invest 10 million in 5 year they get more, than 10 year!

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 3

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

How's you Prof, not up to your neck in water, Poor old Cal's waiting I think

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 4


smiley - yikes Prof got serious smiley - biggrin

Have to agree. I think it is a combination but certainly NGO's are worried that Water Wars are the thing of the future. A battle between the 'haves' and the 'have nots', As you say the water has to come down somewhere, usually in the wrong places.

Whether you agree with climate change or not (and I do, this is far faster than historic changes) it makes sense to recycle, cut waste and reduce our use of finite resources, both financially and morally.

I have two sons and I too wonder what we are leaving them. One unholy mess on present showings!!

Until everyone gets off their rear end and makes their vote count, both on the ballot paper, and with their feet, the money grubbers will always win.

Cor! Prof. getting serious is very tiring. Off for a drink and a lie down in a darkened room (saves electricity!!).

smiley - hug
Websailor smiley - dragon

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 5

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - ermI have BEEN serioussmiley - huhhaven't Ismiley - ermsmiley - runcan't have thissmiley - doctormust be poorlysmiley - ill

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 6


Despite all the rain that we've all had....
I bet we still end up with a hosepipe bansmiley - erm

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 7

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

That reminds me of a famous headline from a newspaper -

"No Water - So Firemen Improvise"!!

smiley - laugh

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 8


Was there a photo to go with that??smiley - biggrin

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 9

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Behave!smiley - winkeye

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


I didn't say owt!!.. smiley - biggrin

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 11


Am I lowering the tone again?smiley - bigeyes

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 12

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Saying nowt...

smiley - whistle

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 13


That makes a changesmiley - biggrin

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 14

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oh, look! He must like that tone, he's blushing!! smiley - devil

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 15


Ah,but where? I can't see it!smiley - smiley

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 16

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

smiley - lurk

smiley - blush

Stop it!

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


Doesn't he go a lovely shade of red? smiley - biggrin

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 18


Moonhog's gone VERY quiet lil.Have I upset him,do you think?

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 19


Obviously not- just lost for words for a bit! Fizzysmiley - mouse will be amazed.

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 20

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

You will if you don't spell my name right!!

Nah, don't worry about me, jolly - I pop by, then wander off all over, so sometimes it's ten minutes before I noticed someone has replied to me!

Just wait until the meet! You'll ask me something, and half an hour later, I'll wake up and say "pardon?" I just need more smiley - coffee

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