This is the Message Centre for Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 21


Did someone mention "lowering the Tone"? Lovely.smiley - biggrin Will the ceremony be featured on TV? What will they do; hoist him up to the top of the Dome & then bungee jump him into the Thames: "Byyyyyyyyeeeeeeee, you are the weakest link"!


It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 22


OOhhhh.smiley - sorry Have another G.smiley - smileyand a smiley - coffee

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 23


Who's Tone?????smiley - smiley
Hi,Terri! Had a good day?

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 24


And hows the chest now you've cut down on the smokes?

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 25


Hiya Jollywinegums.

Nope, i have had a totally vile day & am sitting here dreaming up murder plots actually.smiley - evilgrin But never mind, i will no doubt Get My Reward in....erm, probably not heaven.

One has to look on the bright side i suppose. Just think, i am highly unlikely to bump into a British politician or be bitten by a rabid three toed sloth.

*That is tempting fate. I bet you are all waiting for the next Eye post "oh, guess what happened today"


It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 26


Awwww,sorry you're feeling miserable.At least you don't live in Yorkshire.Did the dentist have anything to do with your rotten day?smiley - grr

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 27


Hmmf, luckily i live on the top of the hill so the rain in near-spain falls mainly on the plain!smiley - winkeye

Nah, the dentist was OK, we Have An Agreement which ensures neither of us suffers pain or ends up in a loony bin.

Nope, it's merely Impossible Bloke syndrome.smiley - grr I dare not elaborate too much on here as to the foul things i wish to befall his body, innocent souls may be lurking. However, if you want to delve into the regions of Unpleasant Things; i can be found on zendevil3 AT wanadoo DOT fr for email or terriandyoda AT hotmail DOT com for MSN Instant messaging. Imaginative addresses huh?!smiley - winkeye

zdt*smiley - musicalnote"Le rant, le rant, le rant, le rant ,le rant , le rant de daaaaaah diddly squat"....oh hell, whatdya mean, the Pink panther is dead?smiley - yikes

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 28


>impossible bloke syndrome<
Ah,all the ones I've known have been so afflicted too!

Just bribed my ex to kid-sit for a weekend ,whilst I swan off to a meet next month in Hull.Took the promise of :
a) his train fares
b) a full fridge
c) smokes for the duration.
I shall beat a hasty retreat across the middle of the country from the Irish Sea to the North Sea,whistling the theme of "The Great Escape".

Difficult to have a reciprocal painfree visit to le dentist if he sits behind you,like mine does.Went to a lady dentist once who had such small hands and an assistant with a great water-hoovering technique,that I almost forgave her the root canalssmiley - smiley
Will try to access the addresses you posted,but am still a novice on the web- should have gone to the OAP training at the local community centre,but then I didn't envisage getting a computer at all.

It’s not raining again is it ?

Post 29


Talk to you soon,I hope,Terri.Try not to rant in your sleepsmiley - biggrin. I'm off to my bed.Nightsmiley - smiley

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