A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A77874420 - The Watcher

Post 1


Entry: The Watcher - A77874420
Author: sycloboy - U14708839

O.K, who hasn't caught themselves taking a peek in the mirror as they went past?

A77874420 - The Watcher

Post 2


Good heavens! You are poetic! This sounds great read aloud!

ah yes! Great lines for performance! Do you read your poems aloud after you have written them?

cactuscafe smiley - ok

A77874420 - The Watcher

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I like this one. smiley - smiley Using a second-person approach brings out the 'watcher' idea very well.

Personally, I avoid mirrors as much as possible, but the thoughts are nonetheless intriguing.

A77874420 - The Watcher

Post 4


I like this, particularly the lines
"Dance before this
Surface circus of shadow and light."

Though I wasn't sure about
"Manufactured brawn".

In answer to cactuscafe's question always, always read poems out aloud.

Horrid things, mirrors. When I see myself, I usually think 'Am I really that old, that fat'? smiley - sadface.

A77874420 - The Watcher

Post 5


Thank you for your comments smiley - smiley Um to answer your question, yes I tend to read them out loud as I write them and as I compose them. Bike and car journeys are great for this, as no-one can hear you!

A77874420 - The Watcher

Post 6

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Crivvens I missed this...

smiley - applause I've now read it several times.

Excellent work.

As said, best read aloud.

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