The Watcher

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The Watcher

Preen and pose,
Compose yourself
Before the layer on layer of silver.
How fair you are! How fair!
But the silent burnished
Cynic returns your stare.

Dance before this
Surface circus of shadow and light.
Perfect reflection,
Refract, Refrain.
This ample watcher,
Manufactured brawn
Of sacred décor;
The unwinking god
Of all that you adore.

Yet why run
To this mechanical truth?
Time on time again,
A glance, a look;
Run before this polished debt,
This confidante,
This impact antagonist.

And stuck in this unbiased rut
You inwardly wait,
And rage ‘gainst the silver dial -
Its dread notch -
As cold it posts time with nameless glare.

Undone by this,
By this one eye
We sate ourselves,
Before the layer on layer of silver.
(How fair you are! How fair!)

And with insecurity of sight engage
The light, the slight sliver of precious metal,
The silent burnished
Cynic that returns your stare,

And beg it to lie.

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