A Conversation for Blur - The Band
Peer Review: A732179 - Blur - The Band
Mu Beta Started conversation Apr 17, 2002
Entry: Blur - The Band - A732179
Author: Master B, can't think of anything witty to change the second part of my alias to - U190397
Modern music just doesn't have enough coverage on h2g2. I'm going to have my work cut out.
Go on Scouts, do your worst.
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Apr 17, 2002
Hi Master B,
Nice entry! This looks like a promising start, but really needs more work ..... no, not really, sorry, force of habit in peer review recently
This is excellent. Really excellent. The only thing I can think of suggesting is perhaps a bit more about the "Britpop" phenomenom to put them in context. There's certainly something about it, but I wonder if you could say a bit more?
Best wishes
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Mu Beta Posted Apr 18, 2002
Does that mean I'm going to have to dig out another bunch of links to obscure bands?
I'll see what I can do. Watch this space.
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Mu Beta Posted Apr 19, 2002
OK, I've sorted it out a bit, and tidied up the punctuation.
I didn't want to write too much about Britpop, because that would be against the spirit of the entry, so I've restricted myself to a footnote.
Whaddya think now?
A732179 - Blur - The Band
caper_plip Posted Apr 19, 2002
Just a little thing:
'have not released an album in three years...'
Blur have released a Greatest Hits album... but it hasn't got Popscene on it so it's not really 'greatest hits'...
I like this very much!
Caper Plip
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Mu Beta Posted Apr 19, 2002
It depends on your definition of 'album.'
Most music buffs, like myself, would not count live performances or Best Of's... as real albums, so therefore don't mention them. It's like the same way you don't admit to buying Now... compilations . Blur also released a remix album (Bustin' and Dronin') and a limited Collector's Edition (best-of and rarities) which I haven't mentioned.
I'll change it for the benefit of to musical riff-raff, though
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Mu Beta Posted Apr 19, 2002
All done - I'll bump this entry back up to the top of the list for all those h2g2ers coming home from work
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Mu Beta Posted Apr 22, 2002
I've now added some more stuff to this, to take the entire discography into account. The entry's getting a bit long now, so I'd better stop there.
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Ormondroyd Posted Apr 23, 2002
Good to see this fine band getting a Guide Entry!
I think you've done a good job, and I can't see any outright factual errors in the Entry. Being a Blur fan, however, I inevitably have one or two quibbles...
1) I was rather surprised to see John Mellencamp being cited as a major influence on the 'Blur' album. Granted, I haven't heard him in years, but I always thought that Mellencamp was pretty mainstream. (He certainly was when he started out as John Cougar). Certainly that 'Blur' album was heavily influenced by American lo-fi indie bands. But I worked for a music magazine through most of the 1990s, and I remember that the names that were being suggested as influences on the album were more the likes of Pavement, Sebadoh and Sonic Youth.
2) While you're obviously entitled to your opinion, 'Tender' was my favourite single of 1999, and I think you've been a bit harsh about it! I can't agree that it's a 'straightforward gospel ballad': the subject matter is secular, and not many gospel records have alternative rock-style guitars on them. It was highly critically acclaimed, and one of their biggest hits, reaching UK #2.
3) Speaking of the charts, it might be worth mentioning that 'Beetlebum' gave Blur their second UK number one, in February 1997.
4) Finally, I'm just a bit surprised that you're laying so much emphasis on the idea that Blur have now split up. As you say yourself, that has never been officially announced, and they released their last new material (the single 'Music Is My Radar') as recently as October 2000, which isn't that long a hiatus for a major act. Granted, Damon might well want to concentrate on Gorillaz for now, given that the project has been so successful, but I wouldn't necessarily bury Blur just yet.
Anyway, excuse me for going on so long, and I hope some of the above is of use!
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Bagpuss Posted Apr 23, 2002
Clearly three years is an extremely long time to go without releasing a proper new album. http://www.neworderonline.com/albums.asp
Great entry. Just an incy-wincy comment: When I read the opening sentence, I thought it gave the original name of the band as "Seymour in Colchester". Was that just me?
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Ormondroyd Posted Apr 24, 2002
One other thing that might be worth mentioning is the way that 'Song 2' has become an international sports anthem. There are plenty of stadia, especially soccer and ice hockey venues, where a goal is celebrated by that 'whoo-hoo' bit from 'Song 2' being played over the PA!
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Bagpuss Posted Apr 24, 2002
Well, it's better than "Horny", which is played whenever Leeds Rhinos get a try, whilst the mascot Ronnie prances about.
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Z Posted Apr 24, 2002
You mean you can here the music that's playing when a goal's scored, things have changed since my days at Anfield.
(on the topic of the entry I can't find a fault in it at all, but that's been said by every other visitor)
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Mu Beta Posted Apr 25, 2002
Erm...some nice guy has recommended this now, so I can't make any changes. To clear up a few points.
Ormondroyd: Sebadoh where a bit too heavy for influence, maybe Dinosaur Jr. was a better example. Mellencamp was less MOR than many think and did trigger off the lo-fi scene with albums such as Lonesome Jubilee. 'Tender' got such mixed reviews and was terribly derivative - can't say I thought it was anything special. Sorry.
Bagpuss: Unless my punctuation skills have deserted me, then the bands name was Seymour, and they were formed in Colchester. If it looks wrong, a sub-ed'll pick it up.
All: Damon did actually speak last week of 'the new blur album', so maybe we're all wrong. I'm not optimistic though. Glad you all enjoyed the entry.
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Bagpuss Posted Apr 25, 2002
I didn't say your punctuation was technically incorrect, it's just that I misread it and I thought others might as well.
A732179 - Blur - The Band
Researcher 168963 Posted Apr 26, 2002
As you now know, the editors have accepted my recommendation that this entry be added to the edited guide. Congratulations
It's worth noting that you still have time to make changes to the article before it's allocated to a subeditor. If you still need to make changes afterwards you'll need to tell the sub, who might not see them otherwise.
Anyway, brilliant article, and I look forwards too seeing on the front page
Key: Complain about this post
Peer Review: A732179 - Blur - The Band
- 1: Mu Beta (Apr 17, 2002)
- 2: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Apr 17, 2002)
- 3: Mu Beta (Apr 18, 2002)
- 4: Mu Beta (Apr 19, 2002)
- 5: caper_plip (Apr 19, 2002)
- 6: Mu Beta (Apr 19, 2002)
- 7: Mu Beta (Apr 19, 2002)
- 8: Mu Beta (Apr 22, 2002)
- 9: Ormondroyd (Apr 23, 2002)
- 10: Bagpuss (Apr 23, 2002)
- 11: Ormondroyd (Apr 24, 2002)
- 12: Bagpuss (Apr 24, 2002)
- 13: Z (Apr 24, 2002)
- 14: Mu Beta (Apr 25, 2002)
- 15: Bagpuss (Apr 25, 2002)
- 16: Researcher 168963 (Apr 26, 2002)
- 17: Bagpuss (Apr 27, 2002)
- 18: Mu Beta (Apr 29, 2002)
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