A Conversation for Blur - The Band
blur website puzzles
Bagpuss Started conversation Apr 24, 2002
Have you tried doing the puzzle on the site? I get as far as having just two adjacent pieces transposed. Now, I seem to recall that this indicates the puzzle is impossible. So, is it a trick or am I just crap?
blur website puzzles
Mu Beta Posted Apr 25, 2002
God, you're bored, aren't you?
I think it's just you being crap. I completed it in a sort of half-arsed way with two other browser windows open.
The two pieces transposed thing just means you've got to rearrange about nine different pieces.
blur website puzzles
Bagpuss Posted Apr 26, 2002
Bored? Moi? I just tried one and completed it, but I've definitely seen a mathematical proof that on a four-by-four puzzle, transposing two adjacent pieces leaves it unsolvable. I suspect that the game chooses the initial positions randomly rather than mixing the pieces using legal moves.
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blur website puzzles
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