A Conversation for Handbags


Post 1

Maid Marion

Women carry handbags because it is a private place to keep anything in
that is personal to them. It is our private space. What we carry in
them is as varied as the colours of the handbags we carry.
We change the colours of them as we change our moods. How many times
have you been out with a woman, and their has been a crisis. Which
has been solved by the woman finding the solution to the problem....
guess where...in her handbag of course. Maid Marion


Post 2


Handbags are great! Actors all over the world practice saying "handbag!" in front of a mirror., just to get the expression of outrage right. (if you don't know what I'm talking about read "the importance of being Earnest". Although theticket queue does seem a tad public, don't you think? Maybe, judging by the usual standards of stations, the lights had broken. Oh well, anything for a laugh, eh? Oh dear. I'm still in brackets).


Post 3

Maid Marion

Handbags have also been used to ward off attackers. A good hit on the
head by a heavy handbag, has deterred many would be thiefs.
We sometimes carry..umbrella's..medications..pins..needle and thread..
camera's..as well as things that other people buy and ask to put in OUR


Post 4

Jonny Zoom

It's well known that what women carry in their handbags is Smaller Bags.

A brief examination of my own reveals: receipts, a broken watch, a novel, a "retro" (read: woefully obsolete) mobile phone, chewing gum, loads of small coins, a diskette with my diary on it and a comb.


Post 5


Hang on- I'm a young happening woman (an art student admittedly) but I don't see the need at al for handbags. Do not possess a single one. I fa go out and don't have pockets, I dump my keyys and wallet on some bloke who has. That's what they are for isnt it?


Post 6

Jonny Zoom

Indeed, I didn't possess a handbag (or indeed a coat) until I was 27. Then I got a job in a scarily smart office and thought I'd better get one. It's more of a hindrance than anything - as I said above it's mainly full of old receipts and letters I've forgotten to post. I still keep my money and keys in my pockets or in my boyfriend's pockets if I don't have any.


Post 7

Cheerful Dragon

Another reason women carry handbags is that a lot of their clothes don't have pockets! My usual working clothes (blouse, skirt, cardigan) don't have a single pocket between them. So where can I keep my purse and keys? I can't ask my husband to carry them, as we work at different places!

Typical contents of my handbag - purse, keys, comb, lip salve, mobile phone, book (size depends on the size of the bag), assorted receipts I haven't got round to throwing away yet, anything my husband wants me to carry (usually his wallet - trusting soul - and the security panel from his radio).


Post 8

Maid Marion

I was just wondering, if there was a competition to find out what is
the most unusual object found in a wonan's handbag ..who and what
would win????


Post 9

Jonny Zoom

My friend Hazel carries a rabbit's head in her handbag.


Post 10


In my experience, anything placed in a handbag gradually becomes a 2 day old tissue.
This can then be used to wipe off dirt, heal grazed knees and clean spectacles.


Post 11


The handbags I have were gifts, and I only use them when going to the theatre, otherwise I tend to use the rucksack I carry my work around in. I have noticed this phenonemon of turning into 2 day old tissue has therefore decided to take root in the very front small pocket of my rucksack. Maybe its somethintg genetic this 2 day old tissue thing.


Post 12

Nigglemoth (43655)

Guess I need a new handbag, my coat pockets (and husbands coat) are full of two day old tissues.
It's a well known fact that no matter the size of the handbag, within a week it's full.


Post 13

Maid Marion

Just a question..How many articles or objects does "a handbag"
hold???? At the last count mine had 27.(including used tissues)


Post 14

Cheerful Dragon

The number of articles a handbag holds depends on the size of the bag. The one I take to work is pretty big and could hold at least a hundred different items, depending on the size of the item.


Post 15


I can tell you, if it were socially acceptable for men to carry handbags, I certainly would. I *never* have enough pocket space. It's getting to the point where I'm about to make a load of extra removable pockets that I can snap onto whichever pair of pants I happen to be wearing.

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