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Post 41

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

only cuz you know I'd win smiley - winkeye

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Post 42

Evil Zombie Strider

Hey, I'm not stupid! I've seen the statistics, day after day. I know you'd win.

smiley - footprints

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Post 43

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

I have way too much free time smiley - erm

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Post 44

Evil Zombie Strider

Yeah, I noticed that. smiley - erm Kind of frightening.
Can you believe it? It just took me 50 posts just to get on the bottem of the list!

smiley - footprints

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Post 45

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

that all?

Guess it is christmas eve....numbers should go back up in a week or two smiley - winkeye

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Post 46

Evil Zombie Strider

Yeah, once the towers open again things will pick up. smiley - winkeye

smiley - footprints

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Post 47

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

you aint having the last word smiley - winkeye

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Post 48

Evil Zombie Strider

I probably won't, but it doesn't hurt to try a little, does it? smiley - biggrin

smiley - footprints

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Post 49

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

no - especially while its helping me up the rankings.....over 200 now smiley - winkeye

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Post 50

Evil Zombie Strider

I know. Congrats! smiley - bubbly I figure I'm no real competition for you, and its helping me too...

smiley - footprints

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Post 51

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

I just said that in one of the other threads smiley - winkeye

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Post 52

Evil Zombie Strider

Of course, your average post length isn't the longest ever seen...smiley - winkeye

smiley - footprints

Of course, neither is mine, and I only have 60 posts or so. Oh well.

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Post 53

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

hey, it wasn't too bad until recently....actually, it was.....but then I started making posts that were abosultely full of s***e that nobody wanted to read and served no purpose other than to increase the average length of all my posts which are calculated over at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/info . In fact, posts not too dissimialr to this one (how I wish I could spell)

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Post 54

Evil Zombie Strider

Oh I get it! You mean when you just keep rambling on and on about nothing in particular, but you just feel like talking more and more so you'll have a higher average? I know exactly how you feel. Of course, sometimes I don't even do it on purpose, I just keep writing and writing and I forget that everything that I'm saying I've already said three or four times in this one post. Of course, you can never say 3 or 4. You have to say three or four, because "three or four" has more characters than "3 or 4." Yeah, I think I understand the sort of post that you are talking about. That is, the sort of post that you were just talking about in the post above this one.

smiley - footprints

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Post 55

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

well I could have thought up better examples but you pretty much seem to have got the point though, I must admit its becoming harder and harder to think up complete and utter b*****ks to post....and its not helped when all the complete and utter b******s I could have said at any given point I've already said in another place, also not helping is my increasing tiredness, and my refusal to go back and correct the ever increasing number of spelling mistakes that are making their way in, even if its something simple, like, I dunno, but you get my point...surely? if not, maybe you should re-read it a few times...or maybe you shouldn't...in fact, the latter seems to be the more sensible idea as this is probalby the worst of the lot so far smiley - erm

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Post 56

Evil Zombie Strider

Of course, the funniest part is that we're all posting the same s***e on all of the same threads, and pretending that we have no idea that we're talking to eachother on the other threads. That is, you wouldn't see me talking about cow tipping here. wait, i just did talk about cow tipping, so I guess I contradicted myself with my own statement. I really hate it when I do things like that. Oh well, you get my point anyway. Actually, I don't think I really have a point, so you couldn't get it very well even if you tried. Also, yes, the posts degenerate as we tire. I'm getting to the point where I might be rambling. I mean, I know I'm rambling, but I'm at the point where even if I wasn't trying to ramble I might be doing it anyway. I wonder if greydesk is ahead of me right now. We keep switching places with eachother. Ahhh, I'm a complete dork in every way.

smiley - footprints

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Post 57

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

oh, I admit to talking absolute b******s and never pretended otherwise and sometimes the threads do get mixed up.....how many times have you seen somethig = somebodys fault? thats supposed to be limited to the rat and theory appreciation society thread which started out life as what would you ask hitler but turned into towels and now a wheres bob/beth conversation between me and the theory with beth/bob occasionally popping in to say I'm here.....but mostly, we pretend the other threads dont exists....why? its a great excuse to print the same b******s twice and get it counted as two postings at the top of the list smiley - winkeye

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Post 58

Evil Zombie Strider

Now, that's pretty dirty! *gives up trying to post long postings, as he is WAY too tired to be able to figure something that complicated out*

smiley - footprints

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Post 59

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

I dont need to do long postings anymore - I got what, 250+ postings...average size of over a hundred.....its a bigger average than all but two of the other top posters so I win all round smiley - biggrin

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Post 60

Evil Zombie Strider

That you do. Meanwhile, I went to sleep.

smiley - footprints

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