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Post 361

Evil Zombie Strider

*is planted firmly on the ground*

smiley - footprints

Here to join

Post 362

O.L.S Whale [1-8+7+(3x7x2)=42] Quite disturbing in appearance, but harmless enough, I assure you!

Ey-up, how do I go about joinin this new-fangled thingummie anyway?

smiley - huh

But it all seems like a good idea.
I haven't been round long so am pretty confused by everything.

Here to join

Post 363

O.L.S Whale [1-8+7+(3x7x2)=42] Quite disturbing in appearance, but harmless enough, I assure you!

I've linked to here from me personal space.
don't know why I'm tellin ya like, probably jus coz I'm bored.


Here to join

Post 364

Evil Zombie Strider

You just wait around for Rat (who owns this place and isn't around all that much lately, but'll probably drop by pretty soon) to drop by and put you on the list. Welcome! smiley - ok

smiley - footprints

Here to join

Post 365

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

I am around much (for the past few days anyway)...just doing more lurking than posting for a change....(and I'll do it now)

Here to join

Post 366

O.L.S Whale [1-8+7+(3x7x2)=42] Quite disturbing in appearance, but harmless enough, I assure you!


off to bed now, college tomorrow and i've overslept everyday this week
and it's 12:50.

see ya around.

Here to join

Post 367

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Hello? Yoo-hoo! Hello-oo!

*still hears echo*
*wonders what's going on*

Does anyone else even see my posts? smiley - smiley

-Spike A.

Here to join

Post 368

O.L.S Whale [1-8+7+(3x7x2)=42] Quite disturbing in appearance, but harmless enough, I assure you!

I see 'em, shame i'm gone now tho
sorry, here, have a smiley - ale on me!

Here to join

Post 369

Evil Zombie Strider

I see 'em.

smiley - footprints

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Post 370

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

Maybe it's just Rat then. Someone tell Rat to check his browser, since either he can't see my posts or I just can't see my name on the list smiley - smiley.

BTW, thanks for the smiley - ale. Don't mind if I do!

-Spike A.

Here to join

Post 371

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

yeah...had a big backlog to clear and got my membership lists all confused....I'll do it soon...

Here to join

Post 372

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

yeah...had a big backlog to clear and got my membership lists all confused....I'll do it soon...

Here to join

Post 373

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

It's ok, take your time. Just felt like giving you a random hard time for a bit smiley - smiley. No hard feelings?

-Spike A.

Here to join

Post 374

The Theory

*drifts through*
Shouts out at Rat...


Here to join

Post 375

Rat, who can't remember his way round this bloody thing.

oh, its going...and the lists updated too.

Here to join

Post 376

O.L.S Whale [1-8+7+(3x7x2)=42] Quite disturbing in appearance, but harmless enough, I assure you!

*On His Way to the Pub*

Ey-up, off for a pint.

wish I could take a smiley - towel with me.

*keeps moving on, mumbling something about artists my arse...
they just want to keep us from our rightful towels...
...but i'll show 'em... Mwah Ha Ha Ha HAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!*

Here to join

Post 377

Spike Anderson is sorry he can't catch up on a whole month's backlog

I'm official! Thanks, Rat!

-Spike A.

Here to join

Post 378

Evil Zombie Strider

System upgrade...

smiley - footprints

Here to join

Post 379

The Theory

too bad they couldn't upgrade *me*


Here to join

Post 380

O.L.S Whale [1-8+7+(3x7x2)=42] Quite disturbing in appearance, but harmless enough, I assure you!

Join the club.

I got moderated yesterday coz my page linked to tripod.

the fascists. (probally spelled taht rong thouh)

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