A Conversation for The All-New H2G2 Poetry Appreciation Service

words of love

Post 1


without a single
word he passed me by speaking
endless words of love

smiley - whistle

words of love

Post 2

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Hi Naark,

I love this of course and enjoyed reading it, but, erm smiley - erm did you write it? I'm a bit confused as it appears on your Home Space under another name. I know it's not explicit on the site, but we can only deal with original material. If it's original, then it's great, (it's great anyway), and I can officially Appreciate it.

Do let us know,


Hullabaloo smiley - artistsmiley - smiley

words of love

Post 3


yes, it's mine. smiley - biggrin

as you've probably guessed "Naark" is not my real name and I thought it looked better with that on my home space.

smiley - whistle

words of love

Post 4

The Artist formerly known as Hullabaloo

Hi Naark,

Well, then smiley - wow congratulations are most definitely in order. This haiku is emotionally well organised and leaves a lasting impression of mixed feelings and wistfulness smiley - magic. The language is precise, and the tone throughout is consistent. Well done smiley - ok

Definitely a candidate for The Post I should think - try them. You might even like to offer a regular Haiku column - of yours or (more likely) open to others.

I enjoyed this very much smiley - oksmiley - ok

Hull smiley - artistsmiley - smiley

words of love

Post 5

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Naaaaaaaarrk! smiley - cuddle
Well done! smiley - loveblush

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