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Any Chance of A Stats PAge?

Post 1

Hannah the Hedgehog Fancier

Any chance of the nice mr & ms editors letting us know just how many entries, (official and user) there are? No particular reasion, I'm just curious...

Any Chance of A Stats PAge?

Post 2

Global Village Idiot

There is a script which generates these stats, but it hasn't been opened to the public - whether this is for fear of overloading the server or to keep secret how bad the article backlog is smiley - smiley, I've no idea. Current standings are 827 official entries, 1258 submitted and awaiting editing.
Maybe Jim could have it run daily and the results displayed at the top of the home page?

Any Chance of A Stats PAge?

Post 3

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Can you tell me what the stats are now?

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