A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 61

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

I am in Amsterdam and i am shocked. Lovely buildings, but why the nasty grot district? So very dull.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 62

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

(too lazy to check backlog jumping straight in) I went to the Rembrandt house and the Ann Frank house whilst I was there but otherwise was singularly unimpressed with much of it.smiley - laugh I wasn't with the best of company at the time and of course I don't do drugs so...

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 63

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

I went to those two too. My favourite was the Van Goch museum, the vast hordes were all flocked around the completely overrated version of sunflowers they had on display leaving much of the rest of the collection empty for me to enjoy away from booming Yank voices.

I loved the Almond Blossom painting, never seen it before then but I was dead impressed. That and the collection of Japanese prints that Van the man had collected himself. Lovely stuff. Amsterdam is a beautiful city, though as I said completely blighted by the proliferation of hookers and dealers in the red light district.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 64

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Gosh you are growing up!smiley - laugh My ex boyfrind always laughed at me because I only wanted to see the old houses and the ports in places.He used to snigger when I said Rye was a lovely place...Ordinary boring badly dressed people with bad teeth and small minds! They don't half ruin a place don't they? Dear Oscar said something on the subject which escapes me which is a shame....


Post 65

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

This post has been removed.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 66

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Riddled with syphilis and self doubt eh? Effete lightweight? Legendary bon viveur....literary genius? Reading Gaol and Lady Bracknell-two sides of the same coin .Discuss on one side of your brain only while simultaneously perfecting your addled prune recipe..Martha Stewart!

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 67

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

Bumhats to you. You're from Plymouth and cannot be trusted. You probably steal milkfloats and throw coins off car parks.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 68

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Oh for goodnees sake!Lets have some Swedish jokes, man. For all the local colour you give your posts you might as well be in Aston-Under Lyme. Or Chorlton-cum-Hardy.smiley - laugh Or Weston-Super-Mare! )or Bergen-op-Zoomsmiley - rofl
Have you seen my friend Kaisa yet by the way?

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 69

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

I met her yesterday, she wears a false moustache and sings the Nigerian anthem all the time. Proper mental.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 70

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Was that a swedish joke? I call that very poor! Try me on another one and lets see if we can raise alittle chortle,eh?

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 71

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

Swedish joke? don't be daft lady. They don't so much as smile round here, poker faced aryans.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 72

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

Time to move again?smiley - laugh Careful! I have seen your cards for today and they were the seven of packing cases, Disutopia and Master Bones the Butcher

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 73

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

I have plans. Don't you worry.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 74

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

I never worry it isn't part of the curriculum.I do suppress alot of rage though it keeps my uptight and whip thin-highly recommended.

I fed my friend Kaisa Larssons name to the google dog(good boy) and he found a photograph she'd taken almost immediately.smiley - wowIt was of some puppets advertising Kappsacks Operan in Valingsby. Go on its only in the Stockholm Suburbssmiley - laugh I will love you long time all night-60dollah. smiley - rofl

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 75

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

What a lovely picture. Stockholm is an awful long way from where I live and I wouldn't touch the suburbs with yours. Inappropriate use of Mohammed Ali smiley-thing -50 points

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 76

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

ill be the judge of that been to dalaro yet?

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 77

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

No, but I have been to Helsingborg once and also know how to pronounce it properly.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 78

Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme...

I can't be bothered to feed that to gooogle so I'm going to take a wild stab and say thats nothing whatever to do with Hamlet is it.I've been to the zuider zee but I don't suppose that is very interesting to you is it?

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 79

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

good guess, Helsingborg is a Swedish town but 20 minutes across the water from the Danish town of Helsingor, home to the Hamlet castle.

10 points.

A896312 - John Leslie - The Man, The Master & The Myth

Post 80

Rt. Rev. Lesley Gentle

and for the buffs, it is pronounced Helsingboy.

And i'm not interested in the Zuider Zee. Poo to u.

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