A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A839937 - Bastion

Post 1

Trout Montague

Entry: Bastion - A839937
Author: Dr Montague Trout - U188966

Testing the waters

A839937 - Bastion

Post 2


Hi there Dr. M

not following you around. Just popped by the AWW to see what was floating about. smiley - biggrin Speaking of which, can you name this film quote in five...

"Come on in, that water's fine."

If you need clues, lemmee know; I've got some good ones.

Heck here's the vaguest one. It featured an actor who is sadly no longer with us - a very big star.

A839937 - Bastion

Post 3

Trout Montague


A839937 - Bastion

Post 4


oops, the quote should be "Come on in - the water's fine!"

I remember it mostly coz they used it in the TV adverts at the time of the cinema release.

right, clue numero deux: The lead is today a very successful Hollywood star, seen here in a very early role.

A839937 - Bastion

Post 5

Trout Montague

I was going to put Drew Barrymore, but then changed my mind to Brooke Shields. That Lagoon thing?

(I'm thinking the water is relevant)

A839937 - Bastion

Post 6


It is indeed!

I haven't clued the leading lady yet - that second one is also a chappy

So, you want more help - leading lady is not the only member of her family you can rent on video of an evening.

That's not much fun, as clues go, I realise. I'm not a big fan. I liked her best as a robot, to be honest. At least, that's how i found her most convincing.

If that doesn't do it for you, I've got a dead give-away that I'm just gagging to hit you with! smiley - smiley

A839937 - Bastion

Post 7

Trout Montague

Was Jane Fonda in On Golden Pond?

A839937 - Bastion

Post 8


She was indeed. Terrific film! But it's her dad i find stunning. As an actor, rather than a potential bed-fellow, you understand. smiley - smiley

no, not OGP

Clue numero trois:

In terms of genre, it's definitely a 'fish out of water' movie! smiley - laugh

A839937 - Bastion

Post 9

Trout Montague

That's numero quattrovalvole as Audi would say.


A839937 - Bastion

Post 10


Actually, if you count the fact that the leading lady has played a robot, it is the fifth in the trilogy. smiley - smiley

ok, it was a silly film with a fat actor, a thin actor who is now one of the most bankable in the business, and a blonde actress who isn't known for her dialogue.

Now, for the rhyming booby prize clue: It wasn't the biggest box-office smash, but it did make quite a big...

oh, i spose that really *would* give it away!

Don't worry, probably best left forgotten, this one! smiley - yikes

A839937 - Bastion

Post 11

Trout Montague

Oh Darryl Hannah. Who else was in that then?

A839937 - Bastion

Post 12


Tom Hanks and the big man himself: the inimitable John Candy

A839937 - Bastion

Post 13

Trout Montague

"Testing the Waters" - I've only just cottoned on to the reason for this non-sequitur (sp?).

Very good.

What will happen to poem now then?

A839937 - Bastion

Post 14

Trout Montague

It was more a segue (segway) I suppose.

A839937 - Bastion

Post 15


Well, it's still there, but, being frank, I felt more inspired by the little comment than by the poetry. Not a big 'poetry' man at the best of times. Sorry about that. smiley - smiley

And naturally, don't let me put you off.

btw, speaking of poetry on h2g2, did you see that 'Twisted' guy in PR? Seemed like an A1 a******e, to me!

At least yours (poem, not heart) in the right place.

er... well... i don't mean to say that that your heart *isn't*! If you see worraye mean. smiley - biggrin

A839937 - Bastion

Post 16

Trout Montague

Yes for once I follow.

Yes I did see and I unsubscribed at once. I thought maybe (s)he'd just posted them all at once in the wrong place by mistake.

I'm not much for poems either - this was ion one of my notebboks and it seemed a waste to leave it there. At least here it's e-mortalised.

A839937 - Bastion

Post 17


smiley - biggrin

e-mortality, eh? Or is that something different. Like what happens to your PC after a particularly nasty virus, perhaps. smiley - smiley

A839937 - Bastion

Post 18

Trout Montague

I meant it in the immortality fashion.

A839937 - Bastion

Post 19

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Hmmm. Wit-e re-partee.
A poem?
Let's take a peek.

A839937 - Bastion

Post 20


don't worry mate, that's the way i figured you meant it. Just hijacking it and demanding that it fly me somewhere it didn't want to go at all. smiley - biggrin

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