A Conversation for The Alternative Writing Workshop

A839937 - Bastion

Post 21

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

I went over bent,
to take my pun-ishment.
I had asked for it,
I had made my bed,
and now had to lie in it,
covers over head.
The uncovered eye
is liable to
catch anything.
That poem caught
my eye
I hope it will
throw it

smiley - sharksmiley - whistleTime In A Bottle

A839937 - Bastion

Post 22


hi TR,

bye both of you. off for a swift 'demi' afore i eat.


A839937 - Bastion

Post 23

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Are you drinking coffee or watching 'G.I. Jane' on fast-forward?

A839937 - Bastion

Post 24

Trout Montague

Striptease on Freeze Frame is far more satisfying.

A839937 - Bastion - Back on Topic

Post 25

a girl called Ben

*Dragging this thread kicking and screaming back on topic*

Dr T's original poem, which this thread relates to, is this:


Here is a 'poem' I wrote for the handover of Hong Kong to China in 1997.


So long sovereign surrogate mother.
150 years of servility and subjugation,
Born in the cloud of an opium epidural;
Now to return to the home of my father,
Land of my people,
No longer to be your little yellow bastion.

Dr Montague Trout
20 June 1997


I like it. I like the wordplay of the last line, and the imagery of the opium epidural. In fact the metaphor is well sustained, and the whole thing does it for me.

I am bumping this up to the top of the page for my fellow Underguiders' delectation, pleasure and commentary.


A839937 - Bastion - Back on Topic

Post 26

Trout Montague

I've submitted it to the BBC Poem Competition.

A839937 - Bastion - Back on Topic

Post 27

Trout Montague


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Post 28

a girl called Ben

Good luck!


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Post 29

Trout Montague

"the metaphor is well sustained" was enough for me. Thanks.

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Post 30

Trout Montague

I never won any prizes, dammit.

I like the poetry of Post 21 though.


A839937 - Bastion - Back on Topic

Post 31

a girl called Ben

Thanks for bumping it up Dr T, it was good to read it again.


A839937 - Bastion - Back on Topic

Post 32

Trout Montague

I just saw you were spring-cleaning. I've got a whole heap of crap in here as well as some that I'd like to get into UG if poss. Just post something impolite to those you don't want and I'll ship 'em out.


A839937 - Bastion - Back on Topic

Post 33

a girl called Ben

Well if it is really crap, you can always remove it yourself! But don't worry, Dr, I will call it like I see it. However, I like most of the stuff of yours that I have seen.


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