A Conversation for Jenny

Why don't you...?

Post 1

Yael Smith

Send the email to Kingy? Do you want to leave it as is?
smiley - kiss
smiley - hug
Love you

Why don't you...?

Post 2

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

of corse not, but With my exteemly big shifts I havent really had the chance have I

Why don't you...?

Post 3

Yael Smith

Hmmmm.... Right. smiley - smiley
Ok, you want me to do the Edit->Select All-> Copy->New Message->Paste?smiley - winkeye
Just kidding...smiley - biggrin
I love you .smiley - kiss

Why don't you...?

Post 4

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

It's okay, I understand, you were just teasing me, I know, I'll get over it someday...smiley - tongueout

Why don't you...?

Post 5

Yael Smith

smiley - hugYes, I guess he was...smiley - tongueout

Why don't you...?

Post 6

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

I don't know, some people they just get so wrapped up in w**k they forget about the little people...or the little smiley - monsters...smiley - tongueout

Why don't you...?

Post 7

Yael Smith

Oh, do you think he's wrapped up in W**K??smiley - smiley
I thought different6ly, but if you say so, little smiley - monster...smiley - smooch

Why don't you...?

Post 8

King Cthulhu of Balwyniti

That was his excuse and I'm sticking to it...smiley - tongueout

Why don't you...?

Post 9

Yael Smith

Well, if you don't have anything BETTER to do...smiley - winkeye
smiley - hugsmiley - monster

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