A Conversation for FELUDA Movies -- Satyajit Ray

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 21


I'm thinking of the author's reaction to the above posts. The original articles have been joined together well and, although a little lengthy, the result is highly readable.

Does the author "have' to change back? Or wait for more reviewers to read the next version? I'm too new myself to try and push the question one way or another but I'm sure Bengal Tiger would like a few ideas on the best way forward.

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

(I realised he wanted the articles linked and perhaps the deletion of the cross-references was troubling. Although, I understand these would have been added if both texts were accepted into the Edited Guide.)

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 22


Page turner reminder:Posted 16 Hours Ago by Bengal Tiger
Hi all
I have merged this article with its sequel FELUDA Movies
Please check the link:

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 23

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sorry, Nsbe.. Our dear author has just pulled himself out right at the point where his original Entry could have been ready for recommending into the Edited Guide.

Now, no matter what he decides, the procedure will have to start all over again with at least one week's stay in PR.

lil xx

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 24


Maybe now that he realises that the relative lack of comments was a good sign..... and that patience is of essence.

Seriously though, on the basis of your experience, should he now leave the work as one entry or split again?

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 25

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Lil explained - the author now has to stay in PR for the minimum time.

But - it is the author who is best placed to decide how their article should look.

However, whilst it is difficult to proof read lengthy articles - it will delay the process even more if this is taken out of PR and resubmitted in two parts.

Unfortunately, as Bengal Tiger is in another time zone, there cannot be rapid exchanges between him and the majority of reviewers, Scouts, Sub editors et al, who are writing from the UK.

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 26

Bengal Tiger

I think I made a big mess-up -- sorry everybody !! smiley - erm
I was not impatient actually, but wanted to have one single article on Feluda movies. So wht do you suggest now? Shall I keep it merged, or split it again?

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 27

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

If you want it to be a merged Entry, that is your decision hunny. Don't let us put you on the spot. This is your first Entry, you have plenty of time to learn the foibles of PR smiley - winkeye

lil xxx

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