A Conversation for FELUDA Movies -- Satyajit Ray

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 1

Bengal Tiger

Entry: Feluda -- Satyajit Ray - A57788464
Author: Kaushik_Feluda - U10873021

This is a synopsis on movies based on Feluda stories, written by Satyajit Ray. Sequel follows about Feluda movies by Sandip Ray,with new actors as the trio.

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 2


Hi there Kaushik and welcome to the Writing-Workshop.

This looks like a good introduction to the Feluda stories. What sort of help would you like in the Writing Workshop before you submit your article to PeerReview?

Alex smiley - smiley

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 3

Bengal Tiger

smiley - smiley
Thanks Alex.
I wanted to have my entry adorned with more stylish language, and if there is any grammatical error, please be corrected.
I also wanted peers to comment on the article and add inputs and comments.


Kaushik Sarkar
smiley - smiley

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 4


I see you're using GuideML smiley - ok You need to break the article up into paragraphs using tags:

First paragraph.

Second paragraph.

...and so on.

There's no need to sign your work, as your name appears in the sidebar next to the article. There's the odd spelling error which you can probably deal with by checking the article carefully, and the grammar can be worked on later. One thing you could do now is look at the <./>EditedGuide-Usage</.> page and alter your article to fit the style guide - for instance, use 1970s not 70's.

Alex smiley - smiley

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 5


Sorry, EditedGuide-Style, not usage.

A57788464 - Feluda -- Satyajit Ray

Post 6

Bengal Tiger

Thnk u Alex for the feedback -- I have implemented the same. smiley - biggrin

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