A Conversation for Re-Launch Testers' Forum

Bug or Feature?: RegReturn

Post 1

Mrs. Adams

If you have an existing BBC id & password you can use RegReturn to convert more than 1 h2g2 account.

The Login will then take you to the latest h2g2 id.

You can then keep re-using RegReturn to swap h2g2 ids.

I would assume that only the current h2g2 id set by RegReturn is held - so swapping IDs would be a neat way of hiding who posted profanities etc smiley - smiley


Bug or Feature?: RegReturn

Post 2

Harry O'Leary

Like this - both are using the same Beeb user smiley - smiley


Bug or Feature?: RegReturn

Post 3


Though 2 Beeb id's can't share the same h2g2 user - I checked smiley - smiley

wondering who he is at the moment

Bug or Feature?: RegReturn

Post 4

Mark Moxon

Looks like a feature to me... though one we may prevent in future. smiley - smiley

Bug or Feature?: RegReturn

Post 5

Mark Moxon

Actually, this is something we do need to fix, and will. To prevent being locked into the wrong ID, I suggest you log in as the ID you want to be associated with your h2g2 account, and pretend this never happened. smiley - winkeye

Bug or Feature?: RegReturn

Post 6


I may be too late -

Attempting to swap id's now gives HTTP Error 405
405 Method Not Allowed on the URL http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/RegProcess

Attempting to convert the 'unused' (previously swapped) h2g2 id on a new Beeb user gives the same result.

Though the servers are being way dodgy/slow at the moment.

That'll learn me to sleep in a non GMT appropriate time smiley - winkeye

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