A Conversation for Monsy's Unemployment Celebration

monsy's unemployment party

Post 21


Greebs!! I've missed all you guys so much! My life is incomplete without my good friends and my favourite cat!! This should be a double celebration! smiley - tongueout
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 22


I'll drink to that!smiley - tongueout

smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 23


Good idea! I'm off downstairs to get a beer right now! smiley - tongueout
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 24

Researcher 99947

ugh... a threesome? does every forum have to change into one of ~those~ sort of parties?

monsy's unemployment party

Post 25


ROFL!! Just WHAT do you mean by *THOSE* Sporky?
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 26


~Greebo jumps on Shazz's shoulder~

monsy's unemployment party

Post 27


*NM saunters in....suitcase of American "piss" beer in each hand*

Gonna have to enjoy this while I can!!! Anybody know where I can get a part time job!!!!????

I must admit, I look forward to the fragrant aroma of bleach in the house again!!!!smiley - winkeye

*NM pulls out 2 straws, pops two tops and proceeds to drink deeply!*


monsy's unemployment party

Post 28


Can I join the party? Monsy, have you told them you have left or are they just going to work it out on Monday?
smiley - hsif (Swimming backwards this week)

monsy's unemployment party

Post 29


everyone is welcome to join in my celebration smiley - bigeyes
*motions for draggie who comes in with a basket of doughnuts and milk tied around his neck for greebo*
they will not find out until monday morning when they get to the office. i have never left a job in quite this way before but then again i have never worked for people who were quite like them before.. suffice to say, they are getting what they deserve. i am not the first one to leave either...they lost a salesman, a construction manager and now their office manager in one months time...wonder when they will get the hint?? smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 30


You're very brave!
smiley - hsif

monsy's unemployment party

Post 31


not brave...just fed up with being treated like a door mat when i know i was the best D**N office manager they ever had...i was always there, always working and did my best to keep their business going uphill.....now they are on their own, sure they will find someone to replace me but will that someone put up with their s**t for as long as i did?
*tosses coelacanth a brownie specially lessed by marv*
monsy smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 32


*Leaps up and catches blessed brownie*
Never stay where you are not valued.
smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 33

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Very brave Pastey. Very brave.
Is there another one? All this hugging makes me very nervous smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 34


nervous? nah, nothing to be nervous about...we won't hurt you...or at least not much smiley - winkeye the brownies will numb the pain and if that doesn't work you can always have some of wowbaggers potion smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 35


....or an American "piss" beer.......I appear to have a couple to spare!smiley - winkeye


monsy's unemployment party

Post 36


And there's plenty more where that came from. smiley - winkeye
*passes more dubious alcoholic substances around*
The little cocktail umbrellas and purple plastic mermaid are to distract you from looking at the contents of the glass, the colour of which is quite questionable. But it sure does kick a mean punch. smiley - tongueout

monsy's unemployment party

Post 37


Sho I notished! smiley - tongueout
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 38

Researcher 99947

maybe this think could teach me kung fu. Bottoms up!

monsy's unemployment party

Post 39


Huh? Sporhy I think you may have already had too much!smiley - bigeyes

I once left a job by walking out mid-shift, but never by leaving a note, pure class Monsy, I take my hate of to that one!!!

"Dear Sir, as you may notice I'm not at my desk. It will probably take you a while to notice this as you are as thick as two short planks. But when you do notice that I am, indeed not here you will suddenly realsie that you are in deep s**t. All I can suggest is that you go piss up a lampost.
Yours faithfully,
smiley - tongueout

smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 40


I meant "take my hat of" not my hate. Although it does work quite wellsmiley - smiley

smiley - fish

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