A Conversation for Monsy's Unemployment Celebration

monsy's unemployment party

Post 121


Well this is great, thanks for the high chair smiley - winkeye Also most kind to put me next to the beer *slurp*. And Fenny darling, I've missed you too...xxxxxxxxxxx, I've missed you all. Now as for these rumours...I have no idea what you are all on about LOL, and no, don't say a word Shazz LOL smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 122


Rumours, H**L!!!!!! I wanna' know 'bout the Phone books!!!smiley - tongueout


monsy's unemployment party

Post 123


Not sure about the phone books, best ask Monsy...

monsy's unemployment party

Post 124


smiley - winkeye


monsy's unemployment party

Post 125

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Wait a minute, you mean I don't get in on any rumours? *looks at Shorty's feet* Screw this! I've got some beer to drink...! smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 126


ROFL! My lips are sealed... which is more then yours are Shorty smiley - bigeyes
Fenny... I can't believe that I've missed seeing you yet again!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 127

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

I am so glad that I am not one for rumors, otherwise I would be sitting on the edge of my seat (or phonebooks smiley - winkeye ) right now smiley - bigeyes

monsy's unemployment party

Post 128


rumors?? around here that is a night club filled with drinking, dancing and fun smiley - winkeye....
monsy smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 129


Funny...I thought that was a Fleetwood Mac album......or was that "Rumours"!smiley - winkeye


monsy's unemployment party

Post 130


There's a night club called rumours in blackpool.

monsy's unemployment party

Post 131


... and in Milton Keynes! So that's where all the rumours start eh?
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 132

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Oh, all these rumours...can't take it no more smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 133


You just wait 'til the Prez campaign gets going then!
LOL smiley - bigeyes
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 134


heck, i've seen what it is like before it gets going...i think i am ascared to see what it is like when it gets going!! smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 135

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

I second that smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 136


Oooh ooh ooh, can I have one???? smiley - smiley Plleeeeaase???

Congrats Monsy!

Good to see you all again, by the way. smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 137


Well, darn this new "newer posts" thing. That last post has no relevance to the current conversation, as i posted it in reply to the 1st batch of thingy's... Oh well, i better get up to speed.... smiley - tongueout

I also see they've cunningly moved the "preview message" button to where they "post message" button should be.... gets me everytime... In fact, it got me twice this time.

monsy's unemployment party

Post 138


You'll get used to it! Try adding 'show=300' at the end of the URL. It will make you happy. smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

monsy's unemployment party

Post 139


MadMunk smiley - smiley
You're BACK????!!!!
Exams all finished?
Monsy... look who dropped by!!
Btw MM try adding &latest=1 and you will be even happier... unless you need to read through the whole thread to catch up of course smiley - smiley
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

monsy's unemployment party

Post 140


Hmmm.... back is such a harsh word..... It's more like "pre-exam ending h2g2 testing".... Ermm.... Basically i've got one more exam left, but i couldn't stay away any longer, so i decided to pop my head around. smiley - smiley I should be back in force next week (because my last exam is on wednesday, and i don't think i'll be in any state to use a computer....... *EG*) smiley - winkeye
How's things been going around here anyways?
Good to see you again Shazz. smiley - smiley

NUTS. That silly preview button just had me again.... but i will get my revenge.... smiley - winkeye

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