A Conversation for Ramble though my thoughts, but please tread carefully as I may need them

Very nice

Post 1

The Fish

They look quite nice Croz...

Did you make them?

smiley - fish

Very nice

Post 2

Zak T Duck

Yes I did. They were all done using a mixture of Deluxe Paint 4 and Personal Paint 6 on the Amiga.

Very nice

Post 3

Ming Mang

smiley - smiley


Very nice

Post 4

Will Jenkins (Dead)

Do you mind if I borrow the world logo and make it into a new logo. It is on my page.

Very nice

Post 5

Ming Mang

Oh, BTW, I pinched the world logo too and it's now on my links page. If you want to see it, say and I'll give you the link...

smiley - winkeye


Very nice

Post 6

Zak T Duck

Borrowing, modifying and general stuff is perfectly fine with me as long as I get a little mention smiley - winkeye

Ming, Can I have the address?

Will (can I call you Will?), I really like what you've done with the globe logo. Can I borrow them and give you a mention on my userpage?

Very nice

Post 7

Will Jenkins (Dead)

sure, please do.

Very nice

Post 8

Zak T Duck

Thanks! smiley - smiley

Very nice

Post 9

Ming Mang

The homepage is:
[Broken link removed by Moderator]
and the links page is:
[Broken link removed by Moderator]
...I think!

Thanks for letting me pinch it, it's so much better than the 'official' ones!
smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley


Very nice

Post 10

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

An Amiga? You surf the net on an Amiga?

Very nice

Post 11

Zak T Duck

When I'm at home I do, yes.

Very nice

Post 12

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Wow, I salute you for your Amiga support. I'm afraid I gave up mine for a PC many years ago. (cough).

Very nice

Post 13

Zak T Duck

I'm afriad recently I had to purchase a PC quite recently for use during my course. I'm not really a PC fan but they have their uses I suppose. If I had the choice I would've bought a Mac instead, but it looks like theyre going down the same route as the Amiga supportwise.

Very nice

Post 14

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Aaahhhh! hate Hate HATE *HATE* stupid-bloody-mac-stupid-intosh-stupid-com-bloody-puters.

Very nice

Post 15

Zak T Duck

I'm guessing you don't like macs smiley - winkeye

All computers have their bad points, macs being over expensive, and not very helpful when it comes to errors "An error occurred because an error occurred".

Very nice

Post 16

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

I use my PC for games mostly. Macs aren't very good at that.

Very nice

Post 17

Zak T Duck

At the moment that's all my PC gets used for, and watching TV as my uni room isn't big enough for one of those. There's also a lack of phone sockets so I have to go to the computer room for the net and that's a good 10 min walk smiley - sadface

That's especially bad if it's raining, which it seems to do all the time ATM. smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

Very nice

Post 18

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

Yeah, I'm at Manchester uni, and it does that a lot here too. smiley - sadface

BUT! I've managed to blag a room with an ethernet connection. smiley - smiley

However its almost completely firewalled, so I can't play online games on it. smiley - sadface

Very nice

Post 19

Zak T Duck

Not fair. smiley - sadface

The only halls with network access at Liverpool Uni are Melville Grove, and there's a 6 month waiting list for there. smiley - sadface

When I'm not in Liverpool, I live in Worsley. In fact I've decided to go home for the weekend as my folks are missing me a bit. Aww smiley - smiley

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