A Conversation for The Dinner Party
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Menza Posted Jul 5, 2000
*waits patiently while a ginger blur speeds past and devours the doughnuts*
Would Ma'am care for a napkin?
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Gwennie Posted Jul 5, 2000
Hey! I think my camcorder caught that! Let's see if we can watch an action replay in slow motion. Gather round peeps!
*Greebo can be seen on screen, diving onto the plate of doughnuts and devouring them*
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jul 5, 2000
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) Posted Jul 5, 2000
That confirms it!
Feeling better, Greebs?
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Menza Posted Jul 5, 2000
*carries in a tall glass of milk*
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
StipeyZ.Rickenbacker Posted Jul 6, 2000
did you enjoy them so? *g*
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Menza Posted Jul 7, 2000
*starts looking for crumbs to sweep up but finds none*
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
GreeboTCat Posted Jul 9, 2000
~Greebo enjoys her milk muchly... She the rummages in her Garfield Backpack... produces a cream cracker and breaks it into little pieces on the floor...~
Menza ... me has found some crumbs...
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
GreeboTCat Posted Jul 9, 2000
~Greebo enjoys her milk muchly... She the rummages in her Garfield Backpack... produces a cream cracker and breaks it into little pieces on the floor...~
Menza ... me has found some crumbs...
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Menza Posted Jul 9, 2000
*assults crumbs with a dust pan and brush*
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Fashion Cat Posted Jul 9, 2000
Menza.... assaulting crumbs..... terrible!
and its good to see we have the old Greebo back *hands over pressie* sorry, meant to give you this earlier, but you were a bit out of it!
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Gwennie Posted Jul 9, 2000
Hey, Menza my dear. Wouldn't you rather use this super deluxe vacuum cleaner for those crumbs?
*Produces a gleaming vacuum cleaner, switches it on and shouts at the top of her voice*
Its rather noisy, but very, very powerful!
Watch out!
*The machine starts to take on a life of its own and shoots towards the unsuspecting Menza who turns and runs with the vacuum cleaner in hot pursuit*
Oops! Now, where did I plug the damned thing in?
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Menza Posted Jul 10, 2000
I believe it was here Ma'am
*hands over a plug with a sort length of cable sticking out of it with very fraid ends*
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
GreeboTCat Posted Jul 10, 2000
Wow... thanks for the pressie FC... ~grin~... Me has missed you alll lots and lots...
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Menza Posted Jul 10, 2000
Good evening Ma'am
*passes over a doughnut on a silver platter*
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Babel17 Posted Jul 10, 2000
*reduced to tears due to the fact that someone stole his good whisky, which he was quite happy to share around, but nooOOOoo, someone had to steal it, then it got drunk, without being passed around. Boo hoo hoo *
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Menza Posted Jul 11, 2000
But Sir left a spare on the dining room table
*passes over an unopened bottle*
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
Babel17 Posted Jul 11, 2000
Really, I can't quite seem to remember. Champagne does that to me sometimes. Menza, old chap, thank you. *takes proffered bottle and undoes the cap on the 'Uisge beatha', takes a hefty slug of the bottles contents*
Yep that's the one, I can feel the old 'Water of Life' coursing through my veins once more!
Key: Complain about this post
Breakfast in the hospital/hospitality tent
- 121: StipeyZ.Rickenbacker (Jul 4, 2000)
- 122: Menza (Jul 5, 2000)
- 123: Gwennie (Jul 5, 2000)
- 124: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jul 5, 2000)
- 125: GreeboTCat (Jul 5, 2000)
- 126: Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.) (Jul 5, 2000)
- 127: Menza (Jul 5, 2000)
- 128: StipeyZ.Rickenbacker (Jul 6, 2000)
- 129: Menza (Jul 7, 2000)
- 130: GreeboTCat (Jul 9, 2000)
- 131: GreeboTCat (Jul 9, 2000)
- 132: Menza (Jul 9, 2000)
- 133: Fashion Cat (Jul 9, 2000)
- 134: Gwennie (Jul 9, 2000)
- 135: Menza (Jul 10, 2000)
- 136: GreeboTCat (Jul 10, 2000)
- 137: Menza (Jul 10, 2000)
- 138: Babel17 (Jul 10, 2000)
- 139: Menza (Jul 11, 2000)
- 140: Babel17 (Jul 11, 2000)
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