Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 61

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

God brought a bottle and it puts everything comatose. I was just going to try a nip myself.smiley - smiley

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 62

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

OK, pour some for me too, please. That would explain why it's so qiuiet in here. Don't he just work in mysterious ways, though? I suppose someone's already said that tonight.

*begins to wipe off Jello*

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 63

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

*Studies God laying passed out on the floor and decides to have some fun. Takes out her reddest brightest lipstick and draws dainty little lips over His own lips. Touches up the eyelids too with green eyeshadow. Then nearly passes out herself from laughing so hard. Decides that another vt would be in order, and wanders over to the bar to make one.*

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 64

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hi Mari-rae -- I hope there's no consequences for that.
*sips God's own booze experimentally*
Mmm, not bad...

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 65

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Hi Asteroid Lil! *still giggling uncontrollably* Consequences? Nah - God has a sense of humor. Look at the platypus, for instance.

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 66


Well... wish me luck everyone! My man arrives in about 12 hours, and then we will never be apart again smiley - smiley I guess that this is my hen night of sorts... although later on this evening I have my *Wave goodbye to England* party! Forgive me if I am not about much for the next few days... this relocation/emigration lark sure is exhausting!!
shazz... who should have been asleep hours ago, but can't seem to get there! smiley - winkeye

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 67


* God stirs. I, as his majesties official narrator, am duty bound to tell of the events whilst he was....bladdered, not because I'm a 'dobber'mind, but because their is precious little entertainment in my job as is *

* God mysteriously rises from the floor, apparently, sucking the shag pile carpet whilst asleep has kept him from an 'almighty' headache *

Alright, alright... I know the routine, sheesh, some people take it for granted that I wasn't a wild & crazy immortal in my 'relative' youth. The times Allah & I were kick out of the Celestial Arms bears witness. So much, so, that Allah swore off the 'demon' alcohol all together...

* HE procures another metal-flask from his vestments. Looks philosophically at it... *

It would be amiss of me to not offer some of this to others... smiley - winkeye

smiley - fish - Drinks like a fish, a goldfish...

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 68

Ender Wiggin

A large cake is wheeled in the door, and I jump out of said cake wearing leopard print Speedos, and a bow tie.

I turn and take a look at the *officers* and grin sheepishly.

"I never touched her, I swear! It was Ted Kennedy!"

After a moment, I realize they aren't real officers. Then I look around, and grab some wet pasta. "Okay, I don't get paid unless I flog someone with wet noodles? Who's first?"

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 69


~Greebo huggles Shazz~... We will all be heresh... when you returnish... ~Grin~... Another drink anyone???

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 70

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Silly question, really! *Grabs bottle of Janx Spirit and inserts straw. Straw dissolves so drinks directly from bottle*

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 71


I've only just got over the last one but hell, it's a party, wanna share that bottle of Janx Doc?

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 72

Doctor John (Patron Saint and Village Physician)

Share? Here, have one of your own
*Tosses spare bottle to BS*
I believe God is turning up later with something special He and St Peter have distilling for the last 2000 years.
smiley - bigeyes

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 73


Thanks Doc smiley - smiley
*Takes a big swig*
Whaaaa! That's good stuff smiley - bigeyes Certainly gets the eyes open in the morning.

2000 years, you say? I better check my medical insurance smiley - smiley

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 74

mari-rae(tee reads: (entangled in cardboard boxes, please send tape...)

Shazz, Best of luck! Hope everything goes smoothly.

*Has another vt, wondering how omnicient God can be if he isn't noticing the lipstick and eye shadow all over his face. Begins to question the existence of God. He begins to fade, so she stops that and munches a pretzel instead, thinking about how happy Greebo looks.*

smiley - smiley

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 75

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*comes out of stupor induced by sipping God's booze and looks around*
Why Greebo! I haven't seen you in days! Got a wedding prezzie for you on my home page.
Shazz, where emigratest thou to? Good luck!
*throb throb*
Ow. I think I'll get some breakfast before I party any more...

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 76

Demon Drawer

*DD rushes in straight from a very hectic week at w*** hoping he's not too late*

Drink! I need Drink!! Anybody!!!

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 77

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Whatever you do, don't drink the stuff what God hath wrought!

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 78

Demon Drawer

That's okay I'll just stick to the devils water. ie whiskey.

|_| Cheers smiley - smiley

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 79


*munches on bran muffin and surveys the scene*
thanks for this alicat!
smiley - fish

Pre Wedding Drinkies

Post 80

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Any time, Coely.smiley - smiley Well, there certainly seems to be a lot to celebrate and be thankful for, tonight.smiley - smiley I'm especially glad that God brought that bottle.smiley - smiley I'm up for another shot. Shazz, Greebo? You are the guests of honour.smiley - smiley

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