Greebo's Card

Post 1


To Greebo

Happy Wedding

I hope you have a great day and your husband to be is a great fella.

SallyM smiley - smiley

P.S. Can everyone sign the card, I know Greebo has a signing in thingy, but I thought she should have a card from us all as well.

Greebo's Card

Post 2


All the best - and enjoy smiley - smiley I will raise a drink and wish you well (once work is finished smiley - smiley
BCNU - Crescent

Greebo's Card

Post 3

Demon Drawer

Here's to you, married life and may all your kittens together be happy.

smiley - smiley

DD smiley - smiley

Greebo's Card

Post 4


Hi, Greebo! SallyM threatened to beat about the head and shoulders with a stale baguette if I didn't pop over and say "Congrats".

So Congratulations, Kudos and Happy Nuptials!

You could hold a virtual reception at the Forum & Firkin. Or hell, we could hold one there anyway! smiley - smiley

Greebo's Card

Post 5


Hi Greebo

Congrats on the wedding plans - will the ceremony be webcast?smiley - winkeye


Greebo's Card

Post 6

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

Dear Greebo,

Best Wishes for a happy Marriage.smiley - smiley You may keep my spare towel as a wedding gift, I hope the doughnut smudges linger for years to come.

Greebo's Card

Post 7

Rocket Rod

Love and huggles from Rocket Rod and Ether Zev. We hope that your future will be as bright as the joy you have brought into h2g2 with your cute little ways.
smiley - smileysmiley - smiley
smiley - fishsmiley - fish

Greebo's Card

Post 8


Hi there, Greebo

My very best wishes for you and your chosen one. Have a wonderful day, and an even better life.


Greebo's Card

Post 9


To Grebo,
may the doughnuts of happiness and love never run out.

All the best to you and your intended.


Greebo's Card

Post 10


Happy Birthday!

Oh, no, wait, that was someone else ... Oh aye, my sister, suppose I ought to phone her.

Anyway, congratulations on the wedding, hope it all goes great. Your goig to get a huge number of signatures by the looks of things.


Greebo's Card

Post 11

Is mise Duncan

Congratulations - does thsi mean I get to buy a hat at last smiley - smiley

Greebo's Card

Post 12

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Hey Greebo,
Lots of happiness and fun for the both of you smiley - smiley.
Enjoy the wedding!!

Kheldar smiley - smiley

Greebo's Card

Post 13


Big hugs Greebo smiley - smiley I know it's corny but, it's a great adventure - enjoy.


Doughnuts will see you through times of no money, better than money will see you through times of no doughnuts smiley - smiley

Greebo's Card

Post 14


Dearest Greebo

Have a wonderful day and may your lives together be filled with purrs of contentment!

Abi smiley - smiley

Greebo's Card

Post 15


I was going to say something about the doughnuts, but now I'll just agree with the previous speaker...it can't be said any better than that.

Best wishes smiley - smiley Live and love long.

Greebo's Card

Post 16


Congratulations Greebo - have a terrific time and best wishes towards nuptial bliss.


Greebo's Card

Post 17

Wand'rin star

Love and best fishes

Greebo's Card

Post 18


* Startled expression *

Oh...ah, I’d better get this in now, before your WIDE circle of friends jam the forum with good wishes, but I suppose using a ZX81, and linking from beyond time & space tends to do that...

Anyway, I know marriage will be a bed of squeaking & roses. Knowing one half of the equation to be a truly amazing feline, the other half would have to be plain silly not to kick himself on a regular daily basis, for his tremendous good fortune...

Oh...and I know you wouldn’t go into marriage unless you wanted to spend the REST of your life with him... smiley - winkeye Oh no, she’s gone all pale...

No, don’t worry. I’ll keep a close eye on things. It’s amazing what a few well timed happy coincidences can do...

So GoOdluck & Happiness.

* Blubber, Blubber...*

It’s just so sweet...

smiley - fish - Getting a hang of these human emotions.

Greebo's Card

Post 19

Dancing Ermine

May wedded life feel as sweet to you as you favourite doughnut.smiley - smiley

All the best,

Dancing Ermine

Greebo's Card

Post 20

Jim Lynn

I hope married life is as good to you as it has been to me.


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