A Conversation for The Battle of Turnham Green 1642

History of Brentford monument.

Post 1

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Just for information, there is a monument to the history of Brentford, including the first crossing of the Thames by the Romans led by one Julius Caesar situated outside Brentford County Court. It also includes a comemoration of the Battle of Turnham Green. I believe it used to be situated at the original Brent Ford and ferry but was moved when the area was built upon.

Good entry. I'll look at Turnham Green with different eyes, as I thought the battle was held where Turnham Green Church is situated. Appears I was wrong.

smiley - cheers


smiley - musicalnote

History of Brentford monument.

Post 2


Hi thank you for the information. Hope you liked the entrysmiley - biggrin

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