A Conversation for Cannabis

Random Thought

Post 61


Hey -- dont be slagging the Presidents!



Post 62

Researcher 131537

good point.
but i find it rather hard to quit for a few days or weeks because then everything seems so normal again. and it isn´t normal. so with the all the questions that arise when i am stoned i flee(correct vokabulary????) fly!! into the wonderful world of irrationality.

PARDON ME*** do you have any grey poupon?

Post 63


I would love to see someone try and sneak like a pound (uh... metric?) through the metal detectors and x-rays. I couldn't even bring a camera.


Post 64

Researcher 155754

Dear Johnny Guitar
There is a synthetic cannabinoid liscenced on the UK marked called Nabilone and if you have such a serious condition you should see a pain specialist, who can prescribe it for you. It is really good and works as cannabis.


Post 65


This post has been removed.

PARDON ME*** do you have any grey poupon?

Post 66


The problem in fact seems to be that politicians become frightfully old, and after they spent the whole of our lives telling us how dangerus drugs are, they cant turn around and say "hey, sorry, wasn´t that bad at all, but nevermined, want a smoke?".........smiley - fish


Post 67

MarkTheMeS (PackRat & Keeper of All Things, period)

I find it interesting that you say that cannibis "disables dreaming". I have thought this for some time now, but noone I know really seems to feel the same way. Of course, I don't discuss smoking weed with too many people so I probably haven't asked enough people. I won't continue much further right now since I'm not at home and am on a slow computer. I'll check-in to the conversation after I'm at home and have done some more "research". TTFN

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