A Conversation for Don't Panic

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 301

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

Everyone here is cordially invited to my partysmiley - smiley(A481853
Have a cucumber sandwich...smiley - ok
And these stuipid darwinian people,don't moan about them,they're striking a blow for geneticssmiley - biggrin

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 302

Dizzy H. Muffin

Deja vu!

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 303

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

all over again...
And yet more evidence(as if it was needed) of the absence of intelligent terrestrial life :
This is a direct quote from a tag off a marks and spencer item:
"In the interest of safety,it is advisable to keep your child away from fire & flames"
Well duh.If you need to be told that,you shouldn't really be haveing kids....

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 304

Dizzy H. Muffin

Yeah. Kids don't come with instructions. smiley - winkeye

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 305


Ain't that the truth.
Immediately after my daughter was born and wrapped up, the midwife thrust her at me. I was reluctant to take hold of such a fragile item and said that I'd no experience of that sort of thing. This prompted the comment "Well are you going to start getting used to it now or do you want us to keep her here until she's old enough for school?"
Collapse of bemused father.

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 306

Dizzy H. Muffin

One word: yuck!

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 307


I have all of them except for the one I don't have, and it's Zelda one for SNES. smiley - winkeye

And Yes, the Darwin winners have improved the gene pool.. Too bad some of them have left droplets before removing themselves... In fact, iirc a few years ago that was the tie-breaker -- It was down to two equally deserving recipients... One of them had a child, so the other won -- because he'd not left traces behind. smiley - devil

'Nonniesmiley - rose

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 308

Dizzy H. Muffin

I heard once that a recent winner died from being buried under elephant dung.

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 309

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

now thats talentsmiley - smiley

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 310

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

You don't need talent to die an unfortunate death, who was it died from a fractured skull, after being hit on the head by a dropping tortoise? Now ~that~ was unfortunate. The tortoise, btw, was accidently {I presume} dropped by a passing eagle...
I am talking millenia ago here, I will find this out...
I have the book I am quoting from, it's just a question of finding it...
It was definately a famous person.
I will return!!!


Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 311


One of those Brazilan footballers.

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 312

Dizzy H. Muffin

I don't know. I never heard that one before.


Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 313

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

The mobile phone:A triumph of technology over common sense.

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 314

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] And let us not forget ... computers!

[Mackenzie] What about them?

[YK] I've forgotten.

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 315

Mac (Keeper of indecision)

Computers are just a giant practical joke to see how long people will wait for things to load,try to get some obscure button to work,or how long people will continue to buy things that are obsolete in 6 months.

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 316

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Cut to Bill Gates, at a security center]

[Gates] [laughing] Ha-ha! Look at how long THAT guy's waiting!

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 317

Hunter, who is rarely on H2G2 anymore.

God bless the darwin awards! I have a disturbing love of the macabre...

By the way, Join my guild! www.h2g2.com/U142820

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 318

Dizzy H. Muffin

[YK] I'd probably look at it, except that I'm not cynical.

[Mackenzie] Me neither.

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 319


Don't worry, you'll get there. smiley - devil

'Nonniesmiley - rose

Is there intelligent life on earth?

Post 320

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Both] D'OH!

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