A Conversation for Fairyland - the internet game

Peer Review: A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

Entry: Fairyland - the internet game - A87786391
Author: SashaQ - nanowrimoed - U9936370

Here is a little something about a current online game - I hope it's OK.

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Hey - this is really interesting! smiley - biggrin

What a cool game.

Lovely entry.

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 3

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

smiley - cool entry.

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 4

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

When you say 'Fairyland is a simple game, with no flashy graphics or sound effects' what exactly does that mean? Is it 3d graphics? 2d graphics? Pictures that don't move at all? What is the style? Is it rather realistic or a comic-like style? Or something completely different?

Does anything happen if nobody waters a garden? Will the plants die? Or will they not grow? Do they grow at all or do they appear fully grown as soon as you put the seeds into the ground? Can you decide where you put the plants or do you just buy them and they appear somewhere at random? Or are they just rather imaginary and you can't actually see them at a certain place?

How do you visit other people's gardens? Can you really walk around like in a 3d game or do you pick the name of the owner of the garden from a list and you are transportet to the place or something?

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 5

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

There are a number of points (being a player) that should be pointed out.

There is a Birthday plant, available on the anniversary of joining, that turns into a candle.

'Friends' can be invited that help water a garden.

Every 10th time an animal or bird is found, a special 'jewel' is dropped.

Certain plants, if sprinkled with stardust, will create an animated or highlighted background.

Combinations of food (mention of types of food may be helpful) and plants will attract specific wildlife.

Every so often a ladybird appears hidden on one of the pages, worth 20 gold.

The game is American, so a number of critters are accordingly American.

Back with other points later...


smiley - musicalnote

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 6

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks everyone smiley - ok

Thanks Tavaron - very good points. I have added extra paragraphs to describe the garden and the plants better smiley - ok

smiley - biggrin

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 7

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Forgot to say, good luck with this. Wish I'd thought of it. smiley - winkeye.


smiley - musicalnote

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 8

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Do you have to be on FaceBook to play this? smiley - bigeyes

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 9

SashaQ - happysad

Hi Dmitri

I first started playing the game via Facebook, but I checked and even though Fairyland has its own url these days, a Facebook account is still needed to log in, so I have added information accordingly.

smiley - ok

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 10

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks MMF - I think I crossposted with you earlier, so I didn't see your comments until just now!

I shall address those points as well smiley - ok

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 11

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

I can imagine what the game is like a lot better now. smiley - smiley

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 12

SashaQ - happysad


I've made some updates, so see what you think.

Confession time - I have no 'Friends' smiley - wah I just rely on regular visitors to help me with my garden, and it works OK... smiley - biggrin

Are there specific advantages to having Facebook Friends who also play Fairyland, or is it a "nice to have" just because Facebook games like to propagate that way?

Maybe I should mention that you can play with Friends, but don't need to...

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 13

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - sorry. Tired now. Busy day.

I have friends who I visit and they visit often. Most have now 'hibernated' or what we'd term smiley - elvis

Then there are favourites.

I often do friends first, then favourites (they aren't mutually exclusive) then random.

My garden is Anne-mine, being a play-on-words of Anemone.

Feel free to drop by.

It just gives additional hits. The more friends, the more 'special' gifts, such as gems or pink diamonds.

Games also boost your 'finances' although I stopped the 'Mushrooms' as once I'd completed alchemy (with the cheat) socks, scales etc. were superfluous, so now I only do snails.

Also the 'wilters' part is misleading as you only get 5 gold on the first, but with no game.

smiley - sorrysmiley - zzz now.


smiley - musicalnote

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 14

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - roflSpoken like a true gamer.

See? Whether it's fairies or barbarians, shooting monsters or watering flowers, gamers are all alike. smiley - whistle

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 15

SashaQ - happysad

Indeed smiley - geek - the game is simple to play, but difficult to master...

smiley - laugh

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 16

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks MMF - updates made to include information about Friends and Favourites, plus I amended the 'wilters' section.

smiley - biggrin

smiley - fairy

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 17


Hiya Sasha. I've not played this game.

smiley - biro"players can revive them with a diamond to get a bonus of gold (if the garden doesn't have a game and it is at least three hours since they last revived a plant) or a chance to win a prize (if there is a game in the garden). "
-Does this mean that the mini games happen inside the players' gardens? If this is the case it might be worth adding this as a mini game usually takes place in a seperate area.

Other than that I think this is a good little Entry. I feel like I know what kind of game it is, but not over-burdened with information that I don't care about - well done!

smiley - fairy

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 18

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks Vip smiley - biggrin

You put into words my philosophy in writing the article smiley - ok

I see I didn't quite write the explanation correctly, so I shall make changes - some mini games are in a separate area, but two mini games (Snail Racing and Mini Mushrooms) happen inside the gardens.

smiley - ok

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 19

SashaQ - happysad

Updates to the Mini Games paragraph done smiley - ok

A87786391 - Fairyland - the internet game

Post 20


That clears up my confusion, thank you. smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

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